Majority say Impeach and Convict

I did not need the Democrats or Republicans to tell me what I saw happening, my eyes work fine and my mind knows how to process what I am seeing. You must have seen something different. Let me ask this, what was the purpose of what happened on the 6th?

What does insurrection mean? Were the george floyd riots insurrection?
Won’t happen, at best, only half dozen GOP Senators will vote guilty, if the guy raped their daughters they’d still vote not guilty

They are afraid of a primary, already the rationale is apparent, “it will only divide the country,” or, “it isn’t constitutional,” both lame but gives them an out

Remember Trump’s line, “I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue in broad daylight and not lose votes,” apples to GOP Senators also

agreed, the threat of a trump party will keep them in line.
I did look it up just to be sure. Then you don't what inssurection means. Why would you debate it without knowing it?

Maybe you can show where I defined it. I
saw it happening, you probably just thought it was a frat party gone bad and too bad people died and got hurt.
It all comes down to a POV, yours seems clouded.
Maybe you can show where I defined it. I
saw it happening, you probably just thought it was a frat party gone bad and too bad people died and got hurt.
It all comes down to a POV, yours seems clouded.

I never said you did I asked you if you know what it means. Clearly you're just repeating what the main stream media calls it. My point of view is very clear, it should not have happened. But railing when you don't know what the word means is troubling.
Invading the capital building,assaulting police,damaging government property makes it an insurrection

Don't forget the attempt to throw out the results of a legal election to overthrow the government in order to install a dictator. The right has done major damage to our Democracy due to the sedition and should be held accountable, even though they claim they have done nothing wrong. The Founders would be disgusted by the actions of trump and his minions.
Maybe you can show where I defined it. I
saw it happening, you probably just thought it was a frat party gone bad and too bad people died and got hurt.
It all comes down to a POV, yours seems clouded.

Your narrative is false, and continuing to tell it does nothing!
I know this is hard for you to grasp because you have been brainwashed to believe Everyone else is lying except your orange guru, but repeating a lie does not make it truth. Provide proof or just go away.

In a poll of 50 democrats! And 5 republicans? does that help anyone with a brain knows what oversampling is!
Your Opinion, mine says you refuse to see the truth and prefer to live in a would of Delusion, good luck with that.

Mine says you refuse to see the truth, and prefer to live in a would of Delusion, good luck with that. The narrative false once the entire speech is heard, not just the part the media runs into the ground to push the narrative, it's plain as the nose on your face he did nothing wrong!
I wonder what percentage of them are actually aware he's no longer in the office they seek to remove him from.........

We want Trump to pay for his insurrection ploy?!! Does not matter if he is not in office, if convicted, Trump can never run for public office again, loses lifetime secret service protection, loses his pension and all the perks that come with it too?!! It's about accountability and to show the world, we believe in democracy and the rule of law too!!!
We want Trump to pay for his insurrection ploy?!! Does not matter if he is not in office, if convicted, Trump can never run for public office again, loses lifetime secret service protection, loses his pension and all the perks that come with it too?!! It's about accountability and to show the world, we believe in democracy and the rule of law too!!!

You are correct.