Make no mistake redneck rambos, the feds are gonna track your treasonous asses down

All that right wing toxic tea that you've been drinking for all does years has taken a serious toll on your mind, which is apparent by the incoherent rambbling that you're spewing out.

was about to post the exact same thought, taft is either a mental patient on the nurse's pc or a Russian troll, his first day on the job
12 members of the #SeditionCaucus just refused to honor Capitol Police for protecting them on 1/6

The House voted 413-12 to award the gold medals to Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police and other law enforcement officers who responded. Those 12 who voted against were exactly the people you would expect.

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
Of course her….
Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona
Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky
Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland
Rep. Lance Gooden of Texas
Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida
Rep. Michael Cloud of Texas
Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia
Rep. Bob Good of Virginia
Rep. Greg Steube of Florida
Rep. John Rose of Tennessee

fuck the Confederacy
Not like it hasn’t been beat to death for months lol.

Where are the video clips of all these wild eyed white supremacists running loose around the country? Based on the *hype* they should be falling out of trees.

It has barely started. The trials and testimonies will be elucidating. The Hype is BS. They attacked the capitol to overthrow a fair and honest election. How much worse can it get?
My dad had a hard time understanding the Vietnam War. He knew from experience that America didn’t fight wars that way. He and his young know-it-all, anti-war son (that would be me) “debated” the war, fiercely. In the end, we were not only in agreement; we had also both changed — for the good. I could go on of course — as all could, about our lives. But suffice it to say, if Marine Corp. Eddie Miller came back to visit with his son, the first question he would ask would be:

“What the hell happened to our country?”

And after I explained, as best I could, his second question would be:

“Why did you let them do it?”

Jordan Peterson has recently been making the point that so much rides on us as individuals doing the right thing, or at least trying....that is what we lost....that is why a Revolution run by secret committees has taken over America....too many said "Fuck it, I dont care that my conscience tells me that I am a bad person".
Not like it hasn’t been beat to death for months lol.

Where are the video clips of all these wild eyed white supremacists running loose around the country? Based on the *hype* they should be falling out of trees.

Hey, if the hype of it keeps progressives like RG hiding under his bed in a fetal position I have no problem with it.....
Asshole seditionist Fairlamb, who has leukemia, has been in custody in New Jersey since his arrest last month and recently suffered a heart attack while in jail in Hudson County, his attorney, Harley Breite, said Friday.

A federal judge in New Jersey initially ordered Fairlamb released on $50,000 bond last month with electronic monitoring, but detained him after prosecutors objected. Breite said Friday he is working to schedule another hearing to try to get Fairlamb released as he awaits a potential trial in Washington.

An affidavit filed in the case last month showed a photo of someone authorities identified as Fairlamb allegedly punching a police officer in the head. A different photo allegedly showed Fairlamb picking up a collapsible baton that had fallen on the ground and putting it under his arm.

The crime of carrying a dangerous weapon while illegally entering a restricted building to disrupt government business is punishable by up to 10 years in prison, according to court documents filed by the government last month.

what none of you JPP loud mouths want to comment?
no balls?
It sounds like he isn’t cut out for jail, he will probably die in prison.
A small-time functionary stepped over the line proving some enormous conspiracy?

So the Obama Administration put a "small-time functionary" in charge of what on paper would be the biggest case in history with little to no supervisory oversight?

Tell me another one...:laugh:
That may be the beginning, but it's also the end. Clinesmith is the ONLY person indicted for the "witch hunt" - and Trump's minions had plenty of time.

Are you waiting for more? :rolleyes:

So you too believe a case of historic magnitude was passed off to one person working without supervisory oversight? :laugh:

No, I am not waiting for more arrests for the reasons stated.

The Justice Department is incapable of legitimately policing either itself or outside of its own partisan interests.
How do know you they are white supremacists?

You didn’t have to be a white supremacist to take part in the Capitol riot. Why does a racial motive have to be read into everything?

Because it is all they know. They have been trained that way. Keeps them from looking at the wrongs their own party is doing. As I keep saying, democrat politicians rely on stupid people to keep them in power.
Of the more than 300 arrested so far, D'Antuono said at least 65 have been charged with assaulting officers. But he said "some of the most violent offenders have yet to be identified," including the 10 featured in the newly released videos.

These clowns like to talk shit 24/7, whining constantly that their 2d amendment rights are being violated, and their dumbest are pissing in the Capitol and looking to hang the VP and members of Congress

get your fat asses out there on the streets, the FBI would love to meet you and bubba would love to meat you

Yes, by all means. Make your support for the violent overthrow of the government public so the FBI can arrest you.