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I would like those who believe in term limits to please explain the reasoning behind this.
If I have a representative in congress that is doing a great job why should he be forced out for someone who very well may be much worse for no other reason then he has spent a certain amount of time in his position.
As in all jobs, the more a person works at it the better they usually get generally so if I have a seasoned representative with a proven track record of positive accomplishments why should I be forced to pick a lesser experienced person to represent my interests in congress?
People often associate lengthy stays in congress with negative outcomes but oftentimes it is the opposite that happens.
Experienced representatives learn how the system works, they develop allies, and generally know how to get beneficial legislation passed much more easily than a person just entering into politics.
So please explain the reasoning why some of you want to force good people out of congress for no reason.
Being a senator, congressman or supreme court justice should not be a lifetime job?!! This country is retrogressing under these career politicians?!! Times change and you need people who can change with the times and want to see progress, not keeping the status quo?!!