Making a "Wave" 3D end grain cutting board

You're nuts! What a horrible idea. You'll slice your thumb off for sure! LOL

A cutting board that will give you eye strain. Brilliant idea! LOL
You have no soul, that is a truly impressive work of art!
Of art I would agree but from a functionality standpoint the artist has one sick, sick, sick, sense of humor. LOL

Actually I do admire the wood work. A friend of mine is a carpenter and he made a chess board for me, using a similar method of construction as this, though obviously not this insanely detailed. He made it from curly maple and walnut. It's a gorgeous chess board.

I was going to turn the guest bedroom of our condo into my den/entertainment room but she who must be obeyed nixed that idea. I was going to buy a nice table to put my chess board on and make it a center piece.

Forgot to mention....I need the chess pieces too. Any idea where to get some quality ones and not some ticky-tacky civil war soldiers or LoR characters?
Of art I would agree but from a functionality standpoint the artist has one sick, sick, sick, sense of humor. LOL

Actually I do admire the wood work. A friend of mine is a carpenter and he made a chess board for me, using a similar method of construction as this, though obviously not this insanely detailed. He made it from curly maple and walnut. It's a gorgeous chess board.

I was going to turn the guest bedroom of our condo into my den/entertainment room but she who must be obeyed nixed that idea. I was going to buy a nice table to put my chess board on and make it a center piece.

Forgot to mention....I need the chess pieces too. Any idea where to get some quality ones and not some ticky-tacky civil war soldiers or LoR characters?

I made a cedar/yellow pine chess board in 1982 when I was a sophomore in HS. Very nice. Still have it. The chess pieces are from an old set my dad bought me. Just plastic but with very detailed molding. Too bad most schools can't have wood shop anymore.
I made a cedar/yellow pine chess board in 1982 when I was a sophomore in HS. Very nice. Still have it. The chess pieces are from an old set my dad bought me. Just plastic but with very detailed molding. Too bad most schools can't have wood shop anymore.

Our school system is fortunate to have the King Career Center where shop class, culinary classes and others are offered.
Our school system is fortunate to have the King Career Center where shop class, culinary classes and others are offered.

Yes, we can at least bus our kids to Career Tech where they can take auto mechanics, welding, culinary arts, forensics, etc. The problem here comes when parents refuse to allow their kids to be bussed off site. I mean, if they'd have had a forensics class available when I was in HS I'd have eaten that up. So some things are indeed better now.
I made a cedar/yellow pine chess board in 1982 when I was a sophomore in HS. Very nice. Still have it. The chess pieces are from an old set my dad bought me. Just plastic but with very detailed molding. Too bad most schools can't have wood shop anymore.
My Uncle has a chess set that would be illegal as hell to purchase these days but it's made from Elephant ivory. Most beautiful chess set I've ever seen. He bought it in Japan back in the 50's when he was in the service.
My Uncle has a chess set that would be illegal as hell to purchase these days but it's made from Elephant ivory. Most beautiful chess set I've ever seen. He bought it in Japan back in the 50's when he was in the service.

I've seen some chess sets from Japan. My family is full of people who were stationed over there. Very crafty. I also kind of like the culture.
Yes, we can at least bus our kids to Career Tech where they can take auto mechanics, welding, culinary arts, forensics, etc. The problem here comes when parents refuse to allow their kids to be bussed off site. I mean, if they'd have had a forensics class available when I was in HS I'd have eaten that up. So some things are indeed better now.
We had those in my hometown when I was in high school and my moron counselor tried like hell to enroll me into it. He made it perfectly clear to me that he didn't think I was college material, to which I told him that it worked both ways and he had no business being a guidance counselor. Got suspended for three days for that comment. Proved him wrong though. :)
I've seen some chess sets from Japan. My family is full of people who were stationed over there. Very crafty. I also kind of like the culture.
Oh no doubt the carving on these pieces are extremely intricate.

It's hard to find good pieces. I would prefer something carved from a nice quality wood like mahogany and teak and then weighted at the bottom so the pieces don't go flying if someone bumps the board or table.
We had those in my hometown when I was in high school and my moron counselor tried like hell to enroll me into it. He made it perfectly clear to me that he didn't think I was college material, to which I told him that it worked both ways and he had no business being a guidance counselor. Got suspended for three days for that comment. Proved him wrong though. :)

Yep, there's those in all professions.

Edit: But I took two years of shop and still went to college. :)
Yep, there's those in all professions.

Edit: But I took two years of shop and still went to college. :)
Oh I meant no disrespect toward vocational training or the trades. That's a matter of what you're into or talented at. I had made up my mind as a young kid that I wanted to go to college and study biology. Hell Marlin Perkins and Jacque Cousteau were my hero's growing up.

This counselor made up his mind on the basis that I had long hair and wore Led Zeppelin t-shirts. The fact that I took all the AP science classes and did well didn't even enter his conscience.

To be fair....little old Coldwater high school wasn't prepared for an unconventional student like I was. Back then, by Coldwater's standards, young men who didn't have crew cuts and who didn't wear button down shirts and slacks didn't go to college. To top that off I was a heathen protestant.

The first year I was at the school the senior English composition teacher, after the first couple of days in his class, and with out even so much as talking to me, told me that he didn't think his class was for me since it was pretty much for straight A and B college bound students. I pissed him off by asking "How do you know I'm not a college bound student?" Then I said that from my observations getting A's and B's at Coldwater high school looked pretty easy and that my reading comprehension skills were better than anyone in his class.

His jaw about hit the floor. I picked up a book I was reading off my desk and brought it over and plopped it onto his desk and asked him "How many of your students would read this?" (it was Albert Camus "The Plague" I was about half way through it).

Needless to say he got mad at me and told me to go to the Principles office. I walked out the door and went home and told my Father what this guy had said to me. The next day my father and I and the principle and the English teacher all had a one sided conversation and my father was far more unhappy with the English teacher than the English teacher was with me.

I ended up taking the Senior English Composition class but under a different teacher.
Oh I meant no disrespect toward vocational training or the trades. That's a matter of what you're into or talented at. I had made up my mind as a young kid that I wanted to go to college and study biology. Hell Marlin Perkins and Jacque Cousteau were my hero's growing up.

This counselor made up his mind on the basis that I had long hair and wore Led Zeppelin t-shirts. The fact that I took all the AP science classes and did well didn't even enter his conscience.

To be fair....little old Coldwater high school wasn't prepared for an unconventional student like I was. Back then, by Coldwater's standards, young men who didn't have crew cuts and who didn't wear button down shirts and slacks didn't go to college. To top that off I was a heathen protestant.

The first year I was at the school the senior English composition teacher, after the first couple of days in his class, and with out even so much as talking to me, told me that he didn't think his class was for me since it was pretty much for straight A and B college bound students. I pissed him off by asking "How do you know I'm not a college bound student?" Then I said that from my observations getting A's and B's at Coldwater high school looked pretty easy and that my reading comprehension skills were better than anyone in his class.

His jaw about hit the floor. I picked up a book I was reading off my desk and brought it over and plopped it onto his desk and asked him "How many of your students would read this?" (it was Albert Camus "The Plague" I was about half way through it).

Needless to say he got mad at me and told me to go to the Principles office. I walked out the door and went home and told my Father what this guy had said to me. The next day my father and I and the principle and the English teacher all had a one sided conversation and my father was far more unhappy with the English teacher than the English teacher was with me.

I ended up taking the Senior English Composition class but under a different teacher.

You heathen. There's your problem. ;) That wouldn't have been a problem at the school I went to as there was one English teacher who taught every 7-12 English class. Still is just one. So, there's one senior English class and every senior takes it. :)