Making a "Wave" 3D end grain cutting board

You heathen. There's your problem. ;) That wouldn't have been a problem at the school I went to as there was one English teacher who taught every 7-12 English class. Still is just one. So, there's one senior English class and every senior takes it. :)
You know what's funny is I went to college with most of the kids I took that English class with and by the end of my Sophomore year about half of them had dropped out of flunked out or changed their majors to an easier one. I ended up getting accepted into grad school at the end of my Junior year.

Another odd one was that English teachers wife was also a teacher at that school and she was the exact opposite of her husband. She was very encouraging of my ambitions. I liked her a great deal. Unfortunately a few years after I graduated she was killed in a automobile accident.