Man accused of attacking TV reporter, saying ‘This is Trump’s America now’

When she claimed to have gone to OSU, she never mentioned it was to take actual courses. Many an aging OSU football team member has fond memories of those days with the slut on the back of the team bus. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: .
Random phrases. No apparent coherency. I guess this is the way you get triggered.
That would explain the "Go get drunk with the boys, wake up with a hangover and pregnant" scenario.
Oh, Edwina. Your jealousy of other women only makes you look catty.
The Trunt reveals her desires and values when she thinks "likes" and "followers" are as important to me as they are to her. She doesn't get that some people really don't give a shit what random strangers on the Internet think. Especially hostile ones.

She's also too stupid and/or demented to realize the purpose of that account. :ROFLMAO: :rofl2::ROFLMAO:
Why would I know anything about NAMBLA, Ms. Edwina? The fact you put it in the same post is interesting. If it wasn't about me, then why did you include it? If I included a comment about cocksucking whores who love anal sex with strangers in a post to you, would you think that was a passive-aggressive comment about you or would you think I was just a fucking moron who doesn't have a clue?

Do you know why I love it when Trunts like you use plural personal pronouns?
Sweetcheeks, the only gimp on JPP is Lesion Lameass. He's now a transwoman. Is that you, Lesion?
...random pictures...
Random images, words, and phrases. No apparent coherency. Lame attempts at insults....?
Magats_Love and Dutch Uncle (both are Sybil) seem to have gone off he deep end. It must suck to live in that kind of paranoia and delusion.
It's like arguing with a little toddler. They mimick, they stamp their little feet, they yell and scream nothing of any significance.

I think Sybil is getting far worse. There was a time when he actually posted an argument on a rare occasion, but I haven't seen one in several months now. It's just delusions and insults now...for months and months. All he wants to do now is derail every thread he can.
Although I have a lot of experience identifying people who are "off", I have very little experience in curing or treating them.
That is similar to my experience. I have no experience in helping people who do not want help. In my professional life, we just fire people who have problems. I am beginning to question whether that was the moral way of handling it, but it is the way I have always seen it handled. When I was a young man, and a bouncer, we just threw them out. Even when I was given financial advice for a charity, if someone refused to follow my financial advice, I just moved on.

Agreed they often resist treatment, but I don't know why. Some, it seems don't like the drugs since they are described as having a blanket over their heads. Another description is the "high" they experience in their delusions or mania is pleasurable.
There is a lot of addiction, or at least dependency. They get joy out of making bad health, financial, social decisions, and do not want to give it up. There is a fair amount of depression. They keep going on about how they can't possible be successful in American society. If they try, and barely miss it, they have to admit they could have been successful.

I am trying to give up Coca-Cola, and it is hard. I love the caffeine, sugar, etc., but they are not good for me. Can you imagine how much more difficult it would be to give up a whole life philosophy?
Magats_Love and Dutch Uncle (both are Sybil) seem to have gone off he deep end. It must suck to live in that kind of paranoia and delusion.
It's like arguing with a little toddler. They mimick, they stamp their little feet, they yell and scream nothing of any significance.

I think Sybil is getting far worse. There was a time when he actually posted an argument on a rare occasion, but I haven't seen one in several months now. It's just delusions and insults now...for months and months. All he wants to do now is derail every thread he can.
What you have an issue with people responding like you do? LOL I'll continue then.
One mod has to initiate the process...all have to agree.. They did twice... It's a fascinating story....that's for sure...;)so much doxxing.... So many forums... Same old
Another thread is mine!
