Man arrested for having sex with a picnick table

So, who's the victim here?

That's my question.

The guys fucked up in the head for sure, but so long as it was in his own back yard and home, outside of public view (or neighbors' view), I really don't see how he could be charged with anything.
This law is seriously sexist. Would anyone complain if Darla or LadyT masturbated in their back yard? Of course not. But whenever a fat, old, ugly man does it, suddenly it violates our rights? There is no sense in that.
You missed my point.

If an attractive woman masturbated in her back yard, there's no chance in Hell she would be charged with anything.

No, she would be charging men $20 for a few minutes viewing.

But then, most women can go to a bar and drink for free and get laid if they want. Men don't have that luxury either.

Its like the old joke:

God finished Adam & Eve and was standing there with a big sack. "Ok you two, I have a couple of leftover items here, and I'll let you decide who gets what. Lets see, I have the ability to pee standing up...", before he can finish Adam jumps up and down yelling "Oh me lord, thats the one for me!!". God shrugs and waves his hand and Adam can pee standing up. Adam runs off to practice his new talent. God looks at the ever patient Eve and says, "Well, all I have left is multiple orgasms".
No, she would be charging men $20 for a few minutes viewing.

But then, most women can go to a bar and drink for free and get laid if they want. Men don't have that luxury either.

Its like the old joke:

God finished Adam & Eve and was standing there with a big sack. "Ok you two, I have a couple of leftover items here, and I'll let you decide who gets what. Lets see, I have the ability to pee standing up...", before he can finish Adam jumps up and down yelling "Oh me lord, thats the one for me!!". God shrugs and waves his hand and Adam can pee standing up. Adam runs off to practice his new talent. God looks at the ever patient Eve and says, "Well, all I have left is multiple orgasms".

Actually, men can have multiple orgasms. It's just doesn't happen very often.