Man saves bunny...


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Watch An Animal Lover Save A Rabbit From Southern California Fire

A rabbit about to be engulfed by Southern California’s Thomas Fire got some human help in the nick of time.

Viral video shows an anxious man trying to coax the creature away from the flames before finally plucking the bunny off the road in La Conchita, ABC’s Los Angeles affiliate reported Wednesday.

Witnesses said the unidentified man pulled over to come to the rescue, the station reported. 00000009
I just read an article in which it's being claimed local animal experts are criticizing the guy, saying that he likely made things worse for the animal.

According to them, these animals are used to dealing with fires and by burrowing underground with their young, avoid the heat and flames.

This article is from Fox News, but several other sources are reporting the same thing.

Man who 'saved' rabbit from wildfire probably made things worse

I don't know whether or not I buy that opinion at least in terms of this particular case. The rabbit was obviously not safely burrowed when the guy picked him up. If it had a brood underground somewhere, they can release it back in the same vicinity it was found and it will likely find them.

Heroic or harmful? Experts warn against following the example of brave Californian who was filmed saving a rabbit from wildfire - and claim he could have actually KILLED the animal
I just read an article in which it's being claimed local animal experts are criticizing the guy, saying that he likely made things worse for the animal.

According to them, these animals are used to dealing with fires and by burrowing underground with their young, avoid the heat and flames.

This article is from Fox News, but several other sources are reporting the same thing.

Man who 'saved' rabbit from wildfire probably made things worse

I don't know whether or not I buy that opinion at least in terms of this particular case. The rabbit was obviously not safely burrowed when the guy picked him up. If it had a brood underground somewhere, they can release it back in the same vicinity it was found and it will likely find them.

Heroic or harmful? Experts warn against following the example of brave Californian who was filmed saving a rabbit from wildfire - and claim he could have actually KILLED the animal

Yeah, I thought about that angle too. I would defer to the wildlife experts.

To me, it looked like the bunny actually came to him and allowed itself to be rescued. But that obviously could just be me anthropormorphizing the bunny.

I did save a turtle once as it was crossing a busy Texas highway, and there ain't a park ranger on this planet than can tell me I did the wrong thing!
Yeah, I thought about that angle too. I would defer to the wildlife experts.

To me, it looked like the bunny actually came to him and allowed itself to be rescued. But that obviously could just be me anthropormorphizing the bunny.

I did save a turtle once as it was crossing a busy Texas highway, and there ain't a park ranger on this planet than can tell me I did the wrong thing!

Yeah, I've done the same thing with turtles before.

Once I was driving behind a semi rig on an expressway on ramp near here. Suddenly out of nowhere, a tiny kitten went tearing across the ramp, underneath the semi trailer and straight into the inner side of the tire head first. Bounced off and spun around a few times then just sat there stunned in the middle of the road. I stopped my car in the middle of the ramp with about half a dozen or more cars behind me, picked the little fella up and put him on the passenger side floor of my car and took him home.

I think the guy did the right thing with the rabbit. Once the fire is burned out, he can release it where he found it.
I hope he keeps the bunny as a pet, I would

Was it a bunny rabbit or a wild "desert hare" rabbit? If it was a wild animal, I think he should let it go back into the wild where it belongs.

If it was someone's pet bunny rabbit, yeah I hope he either keeps it or reunites it with the owner.

We'll probably be hearing more about it now that it's a celebrity.... :wink3:
Was it a bunny rabbit or a wild "desert hare" rabbit? If it was a wild animal, I think he should let it go back into the wild where it belongs.

If it was someone's pet bunny rabbit, yeah I hope he either keeps it or reunites it with the owner.

We'll probably be hearing more about it now that it's a celebrity.... :wink3:

I totally get it. The logical part of me knows a wild animal should not be kept in captivity.

My heart would tell me that if I risked my ass saving this dumb bunny, then it is going to have to be my pet and companion!
He did the right thing...Good for him....
If it's a wild animal, he can release it later. There's probably a local bunny rescue or wildlife group that can help him out, if he's not sure what is best to do.
I totally get it. The logical part of me knows a wild animal should not be kept in captivity.

My heart would tell me that if I risked my ass saving this dumb bunny, then it is going to have to be my pet and companion!

I'm sure there are much, MUCH worse fates that could befall a critter.... :wink3:
Yeah, I thought about that angle too. I would defer to the wildlife experts.

To me, it looked like the bunny actually came to him and allowed itself to be rescued. But that obviously could just be me anthropormorphizing the bunny.

I did save a turtle once as it was crossing a busy Texas highway, and there ain't a park ranger on this planet than can tell me I did the wrong thing!

I saved a turtle also, fortunately it wasn't a highway, just a neighborhood street.
I saved asand shark.

me and my bigboy (dog) were walkingthe beach inthe early morning and saw a sand shark about 15 feet onto the sand flopping arround.

the high tide fooled him and he got stuck onj the sand by an out going tide.

I dragged him by the tail into the water

he hesitated a few seconds and then swam out to sea.
It always feels good to help an animal in danger or distress.
Shelters and rescues are in desperate need especially this time of year. If you can, consider helping doesn't have to be much... Anything and Everything is always appreciated...
I can only imagine what California is going through with their animal populations, both domestic and wild:(
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yes you sociopaths cant understand the full human experience

your brains are unlike 96% of the population

your only 4 out of 100 people

thants your bad luck

it also means you will never love like normal humans do

how fucking sad
do you know how many wild animals i've had to rescue and care for in the last 10 years because people thought having them as a pet would be 'cute'? way too many.
Well, it always worked out for me. I don’t “take” animals from the wild, the animals I have helped have had injuries. The rabbit clearly wanted help, he came to the man, wild animals don’t do that.