Manchild at the Wheel: Trump Is the Mayhem President — And We're Just Along for the R


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Manchild at the Wheel: Trump Is the Mayhem President — And We're Just Along for the Ride

We’ve gone from our first president who, legend tells us, could not tell a lie, to the current incumbent who can do nothing but.

I know that some find it odious to compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, that doing so violates what’s known as Godwin’s Law. That’s the idea first put forward in 1990 by author Mike Godwin that morphed into the notion that in an argument, whoever first compares someone or something to Hitler, loses.

But, hey, even Godwin has relented, writing in The Washington Post [3] a couple of years ago, “If you’re thoughtful about it and show some real awareness of history, go ahead and refer to Hitler or Nazis when you talk about Trump. Or any other politician.”

Besides, the prism through which I’m looking right now is that most absurd lens of all, Mel Brooks’ The Producers, the genius 1967 comedy that posits making a fortune by putting on the worst Broadway show in history and running off with the investors’ cash when it flops. The show is Springtime for Hitler, described by its lunatic playwright as, “A Gay Romp with Adolph and Eva in Berchtesgaden.

You probably know the rest. Despite their best – or worst – efforts, Springtime for Hitler is a smash hit and our two producers are doomed. But as I watched it again for the umpteenth time the other night, what struck me as especially relevant to our current malaise was a moment on stage when the actor playing Joseph Goebbels tells the actor playing Hitler, “I just laid the morning propaganda programs on the people… I told the people we invaded England!”
"The media is the enemy of the people." Trump tells us that every day.
Hitler and Mussolini did not say that.
They said the press is the enemy of the people.
Trump updated it.
Comparisons and observations of similarities are not at all unfair.
"The media is the enemy of the people." Trump tells us that every day.
Hitler and Mussolini did not say that.
They said the press is the enemy of the people.
Trump updated it.
Comparisons and observations of similarities are not at all unfair.


The press was about all that they had back in those days, other than radio. Now we have multiple media sources. According to Trump (and his forefathers Adopf and Benito), all media that are not state-controlled are the enemy.
All presidents are flawed human beings.
But Trump is objectively the worst human being every to occupy the oval office in our lifetime. Arrogant, petty, vindictive, selfish, materialistic, self-absorbed, disrespectful and seemingly not an ounce of genuine empathy for others.

The most remarkable thing is, rightwing posters actually seem to admire this obscene jackass - actually bordering on worship and adulation.

Most normal human beings I know would be appalled if their kids acquired the traits, ethics, and social etiquette of Donald J. Trump.

But for some weird reason, conservatives seemingly admire this swine of a man-child, and have almost never been heard to express the slightest concern with how he represents the office of the presidency.
All presidents are flawed human beings.
But Trump is objectively the worst human being every to occupy the oval office in our lifetime. Arrogant, petty, vindictive, selfish, materialistic, self-absorbed, disrespectful and seemingly not an ounce of genuine empathy for others.

The most remarkable thing is, rightwing posters actually seem to admire this obscene jackass - actually bordering on worship and adulation.

Most normal human beings I know would be appalled if their kids acquired the traits, ethics, and social etiquette of Donald J. Trump.

But for some weird reason, conservatives seemingly admire this swine of a man-child, and have almost never been heard to express the slightest concern with how he represents the office of the presidency.

They would worship any creature if they thought that it could cut their taxes.
It is all about avarice and personal greed.
Arrogant, petty, vindictive, selfish, materialistic, self-absorbed, disrespectful ...

I would add: crassly ignorant yet pig-headedly opinionated. Surely any normal person can see what he is? But the dupes either can't see it or contrive excuses to say that it doen't matter. He even has a majority of Bible thumpers behind him. Geez.

For he is a liar, and the father of it.
- John 8:44
"The media is the enemy of the people." Trump tells us that every day.
Hitler and Mussolini did not say that.
They said the press is the enemy of the people.
Trump updated it.
Comparisons and observations of similarities are not at all unfair.

Let's see the quotes of Trump ever saying, "The media is the enemy of the people." Let alone, every day.
Let's see the quotes of Trump ever saying, "The media is the enemy of the people." Let alone, every day.

A free press is the only thing standing in the way of Trump fascism!
His supporters don't want to hear truth!
They only want to hear their Orange Messiah tell them what they want to hear!
Trump plays them like Nero played the fiddle and probably with the same results!
A free press is the only thing standing in the way of Trump fascism!
His supporters don't want to hear truth!
They only want to hear their Orange Messiah tell them what they want to hear!
Trump plays them like Nero played the fiddle and probably with the same results!

Couldn't find any quotes eh? Lol. You and your ilk, along with the fake news, ARE the fascists.
Couldn't find any quotes eh? Lol. You and your ilk, along with the fake news, ARE the fascists.

I rest my case!
This hick is begging for the end of a free press,and one party rule,news from one government source!
And cheerfully marched to the Apocalyptic pit!
Now we have a "But Obama" from 2009, lol.
Is there anything Trump could do or say that would make you think twice? I guess not.

Remember when Twittler said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes? I can just see him rolling along, cheeseburger in one hand, six-shooter in another. Here comes Trump Diva at him with arms and mouth wide open. He shoots him/her/it. As he/she lays bleeding out in the gutter, he/she raises its head one last time and says:

Now we have a "But Obama" from 2009, lol.

Is there anything Trump could do or say that would make you think twice? I guess not.
There is no "but" anything. Comparing Trump to Hitler is absurd. Especially coming from those who did support someone who mirrored many of Hitler's actions.

Trump is doing great things for the country and finally things are looking up. Hate and toxicity from butthurt over a lost election 2 years ago......isn't going to win you any more.
The children are the dishonest media, the liberal left and the Democratic Party of the Jackass. The left, acting like the Fascists we know them to be, has decided they are not going to accept an election they thought they had in the bag. Therefore, the birth of "resist." They have decided, along with a few corrupt high level bureaucrats in the FBI, CIA and Obama Administration, to create a massive farce called Russian collusion with the Trump campaign as their weapon. They used a lie filled Dossier bought and paid for by the Hillary camp as their evidence.

While engaging in this divisive and dangerous farce, they have decided they will also impugn the 55 million plus Americans using derisive insults like rednecks, white supremacists, racists, bigots and homophobes to describe anyone who supported, voted for and still supports Trump. Of course, because the people engaging in this inane partisan BS do not care if they make a mockery of our countries election processes, the Presidency and even the judicial branch, they now represent the single greatest threat to our Republic since the Civil War.

They are willing to bring down institutions and make a mockery of the news media who are no longer viewed as credible, honest and unbiased, but now viewed as an arm of the DNC.

These are the same hypocrites who insisted Obama should be able to do anything he wanted, even if he had to act without Congress and who railed against obstruction, now appear to be obstructions greatest fans. Even to the point where attempting to prevent ANYTHING from happening in Congress is viewed as a good thing. These same hypocrites cheer the enemies of America when they defy this President. They have actually taken up the talking points of those who would foolishly welcome the demise of the greatest experiment in Government invented by man. All because they just could not accept the reality that Americans rejected Obamunism and refused to accept the pabulum being dished out by Hillary Clinton; the woman the dishonest media and left believed was ordained to be the first woman President.

No, the child is not the man sitting in the White House who legitimately won an election and who has been doing things that really make a difference in American workers lives. The child are the journalists who write baloney and fabricated anonymous sourced bullshit every day about the man. The child is the Congress person who says "NO" to everything even if it hurts their constituents. The child is the liberal left in their vitriolic hatred of a man they don't even know. The child is an ideology that believes that it's views should "trump" elections, the will of the people and anyone who dares to not goose-step march in Fascist fashion along with them. The child who throws tantrums, destroys property and attempts to destroy lives through the new brown shirt fascism of social media.

They have dropped all pretense of being patriots, all pretense of objectivity and be damned with silly ideas like the First Amendment, the second amendment and ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat.

If you who are anti-Trumpers and leftists want to see the real child, take a long hard look in your mirrors.