Manchild at the Wheel: Trump Is the Mayhem President — And We're Just Along for the R

Why does Trump constantly whine about the Mueller investigation if he has nothing to fear? Even the GOP establishment has made clear that it will not support the investigation being closed down.

Let Mueller finish his work. Then we'll see.
Let's see the quotes of Trump ever saying, "The media is the enemy of the people." Let alone, every day.

Daffy tries to limit his enemy of the people jab to "fake news".Then he will call all media outlets "fake
news" often listing them by name.
But he is not disciplined enough to keep to that scheme.

"Trump: Media Is ‘Enemy of the American People’ " — "President Trump on Friday afternoon tweeted, then deleted an outwardly hostile message calling various media outlets the people’s real enemy. 'The FAKE NEWS media,' he wrote, citing The New York Times, CNN, and NBC News, among others,'is not my enemy. It is the enemy of the American people. SICK!' The message was deleted shortly after its posting, but numerous users screengrabbed the tweet for posterity. Several minutes later, the president re-posted the message, with slight tweakings: he added CBS and ABC to the roster of 'fake news' outlets, and removed the 'SICK!' from the back end."

Trump is a liar and a coward.
Donald Trump is the single most destructive thing that has ever happened to our Republic.

We have got to change things during the next two elections.
Why does Trump constantly whine about the Mueller investigation if he has nothing to fear? Even the GOP establishment has made clear that it will not support the investigation being closed down.

Let Mueller finish his work. Then we'll see.

He attacks his prosecutor an awful lot for someone the right claims to be innocent of any crimes.

What was it that Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet?