Map of Russia's special operations in Ukraine, the advance of Russian troops, militar

A Russian T-64 tank breaks through a minefield in Ukraine. Footage has been published of a Russian T-64 tank overcoming a minefield of American mines of the M70 and M73 types, both types of mines are now used by the Ukrainian army. Mines are produced in anti-personnel and anti-tank versions and do not differ from each other outwardly. Mines are installed by the RAAMS remote mining system at a distance of up to 24 km, they are delivered by 155 mm M741 / M718 shells, each contains 9 mines. The first part of the video shows the found remains of these mines in Ukraine, the second part is the direct overcoming of the minefield by the tank.

Footage of a Ukrainian FPV drone striking a Russian T-72 tank. The drone was armed with an RPG-7 grenade, the attack took place in the Maryinka area. Despite the impact, the tank continued to carry out its combat mission, the crew was saved by the dynamic protection installed on the tank.

Anti-aircraft missile system "Osa" of the Ukrainian army came under attack from the Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet". At the time of the drone strike, the air defense system was inactive, but the crew was in it, judging by the end of the video. The fire that started destroyed the Osa anti-aircraft missile system.

Details about the British AS-90 self-propelled guns of the Ukrainian army.

Ukraine began to use the British 155-mm AS-90 self-propelled guns, in total about 32 self-propelled howitzers were received. The self-propelled guns were created by Vickers in the 1980s and are intended to replace the British Abbot self-propelled guns and the US M109 self-propelled guns. The self-propelled guns have been modernized several times, some of them remain in the service of Britain, but their replacement is already planned. The licensed production of the tower from the AS-90 self-propelled guns is in Poland, it is installed on the AHS Krab self-propelled guns, which we previously talked about. The AS-90 is equipped with an advanced fire control system. The gunner's workplace is equipped with an optical and panoramic sight and a set of electronics. There are means of communication and navigation, a ballistic computer and a radar for determining the speed of a projectile. The hull and turret of the self-propelled guns are welded from armor plates up to 17 mm thick, which provide protection for small arms and shell fragments. The AS-90 self-propelled guns were used in Iraq, where it proved to be not bad. The main weapon of the AS-90 is the L31 155mm rifled howitzer. Ammunition installation 48 shells. SPG rate of fire: maximum rate: 3 shots per 10 seconds, for several minutes, average rate: 2 shots per minute for 60 minutes. The self-propelled gun has a 7.62 mm machine gun. The range of fire with a high-explosive fragmentation projectile reaches 24.5 km, with an active-reactive projectile up to 30 km. The maximum speed of a 45-ton armored vehicle on the highway is up to 55 km / h. Power reserve - 420 km. The average price of the British AS-90 self-propelled guns is about 2.7 million dollars.

In Ukraine, they showed a combat module with a PKT machine gun.

In Ukraine, they showed a remote-controlled ground combat module based on a 7.62-mm PKT machine gun. The model of the device and who produces it are not reported, in appearance the combat module does not look like a handicraft, apparently its production has already been established. The maximum firing range of the combat module is 3800 meters. Rate of fire up to 800 rounds per minute. The model name and manufacturer are not reported.

Published footage of a massive bombing strike by Russian aircraft in Ukraine. There are no details of the bombing strike when it was carried out. According to preliminary data, the air strike was carried out in the area of the Oskol river bank in the Kupyansk direction.

You bombed a Ukrainian apartment building, murdered many innocent civilians.
Roman, are you Russians still bombing Ukrainian women’s maternity hospitals?

It appears that Roman isn’t answering inconvenient questions today.
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Roman, are you Russians still bombing Ukrainian women’s maternity hospitals?

It appears that Roman isn’t answering inconvenient questions today.

Watch less Ukrainian propaganda, the girl from that maternity hospital has told everything for a long time
In Donetsk, they began to create anti-fragmentation shields-capes for attack aircraft and drone operators. The body armor cape will allow the military to protect themselves from a large number of fragments and small VOG-type ammunition, which are used in grenade launchers and dropped from drones. The cape shield can be hung on the arm or used as a cape.

Footage of the underground military depots left by the Ukrainian army in Soledar has been published. The size of military warehouses and workshops built back in Soviet times is simply colossal. In an underground city 5 kilometers long, at a depth of 150 meters, new and Soviet weapons were placed.

Anti-aircraft self-propelled gun "Gepard" of the Ukrainian army, German-made, came under attack from the Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet". This is the first defeat of the German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun "Gepard" in Ukraine by drones "Lancet". The unit is not destroyed, but the electronics are most likely damaged.

Overview of the captured American M18A1 mine of the Ukrainian army.

A Russian soldier showed a captured American M18A1 "Claymore" mine of the Ukrainian army, the mine, together with the M57 launcher, was removed by Russian sappers. The M18A1 "Claymore" anti-personnel mine of directional action was adopted in 1960, the mine turned out to be successful, was used in many wars and was copied by many countries. In the USSR, they also began to produce a mine called MON-50, in which the balls were replaced with cylinders and the angle of expansion of the striking elements of the mine was changed. The body of the mine is made of plastic and the convex side is set towards the enemy. 700 steel balls with a diameter of 5.5 mm are placed along the convex edge of the mine, which ensures effective destruction of manpower at a distance of up to 50 meters. A simple sight on the body of the mine allows it to be aimed in the direction of the destruction of manpower. The detonation of the mine is carried out using an electric wire and a remote control, while the operator must be at least 15 meters behind the mine. Mine weight 1600 grams, C4 explosive.

Video filming inside the German IRIS-T SLM air defense system of the Ukrainian army.

A video of the workplace of the Ukrainian operator of the IRIS-T air defense system has appeared. The German IRIS-T air defense system is a cross between the Russian Buk-M3 air defense system and the TOR air defense system. The launch range of the IRIS-T SLM missile is 40 km, the reach in height is 20 km.

Published footage of the impact of the Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet" in the new Ukrainian EW station "Bukovel-AD". The Bukovel-AD electronic warfare complex was put into service in 2016 and is designed to combat drones. According to the developers, the complex suppresses the GPPS navigation of the Russian Orlan-10 UAVs at a distance of up to 100 km, the usual jamming radius: drones is up to 20 km, the deployment time of the complex is 2 minutes. The "Bukovel-AD" installation is placed on various chassis. As a result of the impact of the Lancet kamikaze drone, the Bukovel-AD electronic warfare complex burned down.

Attack of 3 Ukrainian infantry fighting vehicles in the Zaporozhye direction. Footage of the attack of three Ukrainian BMP-1s in the Zaporozhye direction in January of this year has been published. The positions of the Russian reconnaissance group of the army special forces and marines of the 177th regiment of the Caspian flotilla were attacked. Three Ukrainian BMP-1s came close to the Russian positions and landed troops. As a result of the ensuing battle, after one of the BMPs was damaged, the Ukrainian units retreated. The details of the battle are unknown, according to the results of the battle, there are wounded on both sides.

A short episode of an oncoming tank battle has been published, a Russian T-80BVM tank, under the command of a fighter with the call sign Altai, with a Ukrainian tank, presumably T-64. Reportedly, a Ukrainian tank leaving the forest belt was attacked by a T-80BVM tank. The video shows part of the battle, where the T-80BVM tank fires a second time at a Ukrainian tank and undermines its ammunition load.

In Ukraine, the construction of modern bomb shelters began. The bomb shelters are equipped with bathrooms and shower rooms. There is equipment for water treatment.

Overview of German Leopard 1 tanks preparing for the counteroffensive of the Ukrainia

Denmark and Germany will transfer 80 Leopard 1 tanks removed from storage to Ukraine, the tanks will arrive by June 1, and then the offensive of the Ukrainian army will apparently begin. Judging by the number, these tanks will soon be the main figures in military reports. The Leopard 1 tank began to be developed in 1956 by France and Germany, the French constantly reduced their participation in the development and the tank put into service in 1965 can be called German. The tank was designed for battles with Soviet T-55 and T-64 tanks at medium distances. Judging by open data, the tank's armor is weak and breaks through from short distances even with conventional infantry fighting vehicles and almost all types of anti-tank systems. The frontal armor of the tank is from 25 to 70 mm, for comparison, in the T-72M tank it is up to 410 mm. Perhaps in Ukraine, the armor of the tank will be reinforced with dynamic protection units. Based on this, the main strategy of the tank is to work from behind ambushes and from a long distance. The tank went through seven upgrades, the last one was in 1987, the tank received the A5 index, and Ukraine will receive this version. In 1994, 5 tanks met with three Serbian T-55 tanks, as a result of the battle, all T-55 tanks were damaged, one Leopard tank was damaged. Canadian versions of the Leopard 1 tank with reinforced composite armor were in the 2000s in Afghanistan, they were praised for their rate of fire and aiming accuracy, but were criticized by the engines due to erratic operation in dust and at high temperatures. The tank is equipped with a British L7A1 semi-automatic licensed 105 mm gun and, depending on modification, 7.62 or 12.7 mm machine guns. The crew of the tank is 4 people. Power plant with a capacity of 820 hp provides a maximum speed of up to 65 km / h with a power reserve of up to 600 km. Tank weight up to 42 tons.

Review of Anglo-French cruise missiles Storm Shadow/SCALP of the Ukrainian Army.

To carry out the counteroffensive, Britain supplied Ukraine with Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles. The Anglo-French Storm Shadow cruise missile began to be developed in 1994 on the basis of the Apache cruise missile developed in France. The missile was put into service in 2001, the French version of the missile is designated by the abbreviation SCALP-EG. The missile is equipped with a turbojet engine and has a flight speed of up to 960 kilometers per hour. That is, the distance from Kyiv to Belgorod, it can fly in about 20 minutes. The missile was used in Iraq and Libya, the target destruction rate was 97% according to the Italian Air Force, it is worth noting that air defense almost did not work there. In 2018, it was reported that all eight missiles launched from Tornado aircraft were shot down by Syrian air defense forces, this information was denied by the Pentagon, but later the Russian Ministry of Defense showed fragments of missiles. The missile is programmed before launch, taking into account the air defense data and the target. The missile flies autonomously along the route to the target, at an altitude of 30-40 meters, guided by GPS data and cartography, close to the target, the missile gains altitude and then goes into a dive. Climbing is intended to achieve a higher probability of identifying the target with a thermographic camera, climbing may not be applied, but the accuracy of the missile is reduced. You should not expect any significant changes from the supply of missiles, like all cruise missiles, they are easy to shoot down if the area is covered by modern air defense systems, with luck, a cruise missile can even be shot down with MANPADS. The range of the rocket is approximately 560 km when launched from an aircraft, the mass of the rocket is 1300 kg, the mass of the warhead is 450 kg. The cost of the Storm Shadow missile is €850,000 as of 2011.
