Map of Russia's special operations in Ukraine, the advance of Russian troops, militar

I support Ukrainians sending Russians home in body bags.

New marine drone MAGURA V5 of Ukraine

The new marine drone MAGURA V5 of the Spetstechnoexport company began to be used by the Ukrainian army. Previously, footage with the first sea drone of Ukraine has already been published. The drone is designed for surveillance, reconnaissance, patrolling, search and rescue operations, mine action, fleet protection and combat missions. The payload of the drone is 320 kg, now it is used as a kamikaze sea drone, equipping it with explosives, according to the creators, this is effective. The MAGURA V5 drone has a speed of up to 77 kilometers per hour and is capable of traveling up to 833 kilometers. The drone is controlled by Mesh radio or via the Starlink satellite Internet system, which is more likely. The drone is 5.5 meters long, 1.5 meters wide, and 50 centimeters above the waterline.

The more dead Russians, the better for everyone...including Russians. LOL
Ukraine just proved its sea drones are a huge threat to Russia's navy. An expert says this may only be the start.
  • Ukraine attacked a Russian warship using a sea drone on Friday, according to videos.
  • The country is focusing on building bigger and more powerful sea drones, an expert told Insider.
  • It wants to "get more explosives on board" and ramp up its attacks on flagships, he said.

"Sink me!" - Sir Percy

Soon the Russian Black Sea fleet will be easy to find -- it'll be at the bottom of the Black Sea. :laugh:

A Ukrainian armored car is storming the Russian defense line at speed. As you know, the Russian army has created a powerful multi-level defense line consisting of anti-tank gouges, dug ditches and minefields. The crew of one of the Ukrainian armored vehicles decided to try to overcome the anti-tank ditch at speed. As you can see in the video, he did not succeed, the fate of the crew is not reported.

On the night of Friday, August 4, the Ukrainian army tried to attack the Russian naval base in Novorossiysk with kamikaze maritime drones. Officially, the attack was repulsed, on the video you can see the moment of the defeat of the sea drone of Ukraine. Unfortunately, when repulsing the attack, the Russian large landing ship "Olenengorsky miner", project 775, which we previously talked about, was damaged. As you can see in the video, the ship was damaged and tilted. Despite official statements, don't underestimate the threat posed by Ukraine's maritime drones.

An attempt to attack a Russian Ka-52 helicopter from the Ukrainian ATGM Stugna

The date and location where the attack was carried out are not reported. It is difficult to get into a flying helicopter from an ATGM, judging by the video, this calculation did not succeed. The firing range of the ATGM "Stugna-P" is up to 5000 meters.

The Ukrainian armored personnel carrier BTR-4 Bucephalus was destroyed by the Russian Lancet kamikaze drone, perhaps the armored vehicle had already been abandoned by the crew. The BTR-4 Bucephalus was put into service in 2008 and is equipped with a 23-mm or 30-mm gun, depending on the modification, as well as a grenade launcher or anti-tank systems. As a result of the impact of the Lancet drone, a fire broke out in the BTR-4, which completely destroyed the armored vehicle.

The Russian soldier offered protection against the defeat of the MLRS HIMARS.

As you know, the Ukrainian army actively uses the HIMARS MLRS, the striking elements of these rockets are made of tungsten balls that pierce up to 6 mm of metal. Technique after such blows is all like a sieve. One of the Russian servicemen who repairs Russian military equipment damaged in the battles in Ukraine said that tungsten balls do not penetrate hard rubber protection. We don’t know how reliable this is, but according to him, the MT-LB military tractor was protected by a hard rubber conveyor belt and the HIMARS MLRS submunitions did not penetrate it. It is not yet known whether such protection against the HIMARS MLRS began to be used.

The Russian soldier offered protection against the defeat of the MLRS HIMARS.

The 7.62 mm Maxim machine gun was again redesigned by Ukrainian craftsmen. As you can see from the video, the machine gun now has an optical sight, a bipod and a stock. The protective shield and the water casing for cooling the barrel were also removed. A fairly deep modernization of the machine gun from all that have so far met. The aiming range of the Maxim machine gun is up to 2300 meters. The maximum range of a bullet is 3900 meters.

The stories of two soldiers about how two Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 Ukrainian UAVs were shot down. Bayraktar TB2 UAVs were armed with laser-guided MAM-L munitions and a high-explosive fragmentation or tandem HEAT warhead. Both UAVs were shot down by Igla MANPADS, one of the drones was jammed by electronic warfare systems.

During the assault by the Ukrainian army on the settlement of Urozhaynoye, one of the Ukrainian T-72 tanks was flooded by its crew in the Wet Yaly River. The reasons for the flooding of the tank in the river are not reported, the fate of the crew is unknown.

The use of the Russian infantry flamethrower Shmel in the battles in Ukraine. Published footage of the use in battles in Ukraine, the Russian jet infantry flamethrower "Bumblebee". According to the memoirs of Afghanistan veterans, a shot from a Bumblebee jet flamethrower is guaranteed to destroy all life in a two-story house, cave or makeshift shelter. The video shows a shot from a Bumblebee jet flamethrower at the bunker of the Ukrainian army and its consequences.

The video shows the field repair of the British AS-90 self-propelled guns of the Ukrainian army. The Cummins VTA-903T-660 660 hp engine was removed from the machine. and automatic transmission ZF LSG 2000. According to the Ukrainian soldier, for some reason the self-propelled guns are not moving.

The Ukrainian army began to use an unarmed Polish-made SKOT R-3M command armored personnel carrier, the vehicle was bought with the money of volunteers. The OT-64 armored personnel carrier was developed in 1959 in Czechoslovakia, since 1961 the OT-64 armored personnel carrier began to be produced under license in Poland under the SKOT index. On the basis of the OT-64 armored personnel carrier, a large family of vehicles was created, some of them still remained in the armies of Slovakia, Poland and other countries. Compared with the old armored vehicles, this vehicle is an analogue of the Soviet BTR-60, the main advantage in relation to the Soviet counterpart was a fully armored interior. Armored personnel carriers of the OT-64 SKOT series were armed as standard with 7.62mm, 12.7mm and 14.5mm machine guns, some had the Malyutka ATGM. The thickness of the armor of the OT-64 SKOT machine is from 6 to 13 mm. Weight 14.5 tons, developed speed up to 95 km/h. The crew of 2 people and 10 people landing.

The Ukrainian army began to use an unarmed Polish-made SKOT R-3M command armored personnel carrier, the vehicle was bought with the money of volunteers. The OT-64 armored personnel carrier was developed in 1959 in Czechoslovakia, since 1961 the OT-64 armored personnel carrier began to be produced under license in Poland under the SKOT index. On the basis of the OT-64 armored personnel carrier, a large family of vehicles was created, some of them still remained in the armies of Slovakia, Poland and other countries. Compared with the old armored vehicles, this vehicle is an analogue of the Soviet BTR-60, the main advantage in relation to the Soviet counterpart was a fully armored interior. Armored personnel carriers of the OT-64 SKOT series were armed as standard with 7.62mm, 12.7mm and 14.5mm machine guns, some had the Malyutka ATGM. The thickness of the armor of the OT-64 SKOT machine is from 6 to 13 mm. Weight 14.5 tons, developed speed up to 95 km/h. The crew of 2 people and 10 people landing.


Cool! Due to Putin and his oligarchs stealing money for themselves from the Russian Army, this is the latest Russian personnel carrier.

Footage of the attack of Russian FPV drones Phoenix-mini, on two Ukrainian armored vehicles BMP-1 and BMP-2. Drone "Phoenix-mini" company "BG-Optics", develops a maximum speed of up to 120 km/h and can rise to a height of up to 6000 meters, while carrying a payload of up to 1.5 kilograms. The drone can stay in the air for up to 40 minutes and has a flight radius of up to 16 kilometers. The drone is produced for civilian use, but apparently it was converted for military needs. The drone can automatically hold the course, coordinates and altitude, as well as carry out flight missions and auto return to the starting point.

The Russian sniper spoke about his combat work in Ukraine and the use of the Russian ORSIS T-5000 sniper rifle. A sniper conducts combat work from a position in one of the buildings
