Map of Russia's special operations in Ukraine, the advance of Russian troops, militar

Russian War Crimes.
The article below is from last year. Since then, Putin's attack on Ukraine's civilians has continued unabated. The West should help send as many Russian soldiers home on body bags or left shredded in the streets of Ukraine as possible until the Russian people make Putin stop this war.

IMO, the best solution is for the Russians to depose Vladimir Putin out of a 10 story window.
Here are Russia’s alleged war crimes in the Ukraine invasion
Russia is under international fire over alleged war crimes committed during its invasion of Ukraine.

Days after the war began, the International Criminal Court opened an investigation into alleged war crimes by Russia.

And this week, as Russian troops left communities around Kyiv, photos and videos of civilians dead in the streets — seemingly targeted by Russian troops — have circulated widely.

President Biden has called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal” for the actions of his country’s troops.

Russia has denied all accusations of war crimes and targeting civilians.

Here are the alleged crimes Russia has committed in Ukraine.

Targeted killings of thousands of civilians

The United Nations has recorded at least 1,626 civilians killed since the war began but has repeatedly said that number is likely a severe underestimate.

The dead include a man from Minnesota, reportedly shot by the Russian military while waiting in a bread line.

In the town of Bucha, Ukrainian citizens were found executed with their bodies lying in the streets.

“The Ukrainian city of Bucha was in the hands of [Russian] animals for several weeks. Local civilians were being executed arbitrarily, some with hands tied behind their backs, their bodies scattered in the streets of the city,” Ukraine’s defense ministry alleged.

Targeted destruction of civilian buildings

Thousands of Ukrainians have been forced into bomb shelters by Russia’s bombing campaign in residential areas not connected to the Ukrainian military.

A movie theater in Mariupol was attacked in March while hundreds of families with young children were using it as a bomb shelter. The word “children” was written in big letters on the ground on both sides of the theater.

Dozens of hospitals have been destroyed since the invasion began, including a maternity and children’s hospital in Mariupol.

The World Health Organization previously said it has verified 43 attacks on health care facilities and patients in Ukraine.

Other targeted buildings include residential homes, apartment buildings, shopping malls and schools.

Russian soldiers raping women

Ukraine opened an investigation at the end of March after a civilian women said she was raped by two Russian soldiers.

The woman said the soldiers killed her husband and then raped her while her son was in another room crying.

“He told me to take my clothes off. Then they both raped me one after the other. They didn’t care that my son was in the boiler room crying. They told me to go shut him up and come back,” the woman told The Times of London.

Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba previously said there have been multiple allegations of rape against Russian soldiers during the war....
Production and launch of Russian Sarmat nuclear missiles.

The Russian Minister of Defense checked the progress of the state defense order at the Krasmash JSC defense industry enterprise in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The company produces Sarmat fifth-generation strategic missiles, footage of missile launches at the end of the video. The company is currently producing the first production missiles, which will be put on combat duty in the very near future. The General Director of Krasmash JSC reported on the expansion of the enterprise’s production capacity, equipping it with modern technological equipment and the imminent commissioning of a new production building. The Sarmat strategic missile will replace the Voevoda strategic missiles; NATO called these missiles “Satan.” The Sarmat missile carries 10 Avangard guided warheads, the power of each warhead is 750 kilotons. The advantage of this rocket is a quick launch, it enters orbit faster and has much greater energy, allowing it to carry out a nuclear strike from any direction, including through the South Pole.

The Russian Minister of Defense checked the progress of the state defense order at the Krasmash JSC defense industry enterprise in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The company produces Sarmat fifth-generation strategic missiles, footage of missile launches at the end of the video. The company is currently producing the first production missiles, which will be put on combat duty in the very near future. The General Director of Krasmash JSC reported on the expansion of the enterprise’s production capacity, equipping it with modern technological equipment and the imminent commissioning of a new production building. The Sarmat strategic missile will replace the Voevoda strategic missiles; NATO called these missiles “Satan.” The Sarmat missile carries 10 Avangard guided warheads, the power of each warhead is 750 kilotons. The advantage of this rocket is a quick launch, it enters orbit faster and has much greater energy, allowing it to carry out a nuclear strike from any direction, including through the South Pole.


How many old women and children can Russians murder with one of those?
Footage has been published showing a Russian kamikaze drone “Lancet” destroying a Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force. This is the second case when a Lancet drone destroys a Ukrainian plane; we previously talked about it. The plane was again destroyed at the Krivoy Rog airfield Dolgintsevo, 70 kilometers from the front line, apparently the Russian army is using new modifications of drones. After the drone hit, a fire started in the Su-25 aircraft.

You have a rich imagination.

None needed since it's documented fact that Russia targets civilians.

In fact, the Russian mercenary army should be grateful to Hamas for exceeding them in barbarity to take the light of their atrocities off them. Just because Hamas is slaughtering women and children in Israel doesn't mean the Russians are still dropping million-dollar missiles onto Ukrainian shopping malls and apartment buildings.
BTR-70 removed from storage appeared in the Russian troops.

The Russian army began using BTR-70 armored personnel carriers removed from storage; the vehicles were spotted in one of the units. The BTR-70 armored personnel carrier was put into service in 1972. The BTR-70's armament includes a 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun and a coaxial 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. The ammunition load of the KPVT machine gun is 500 rounds and 2000 rounds of ammunition for the PKT machine gun. The weight of the armored personnel carrier is 11.5 tons, the speed on the highway is 80 km/h. Crew 2 people and 8 landing people.

None needed since it's documented fact that Russia targets civilians.

In fact, the Russian mercenary army should be grateful to Hamas for exceeding them in barbarity to take the light of their atrocities off them. Just because Hamas is slaughtering women and children in Israel doesn't mean the Russians are still dropping million-dollar missiles onto Ukrainian shopping malls and apartment buildings.

It's funny to read you. Learn history, the war began in 2014 when Ukraine sent troops to the Donbass. The civil war began. Then the war in 2022 began with Russia.
It's funny to read you. Learn history, the war began in 2014 when Ukraine sent troops to the Donbass. The civil war began. Then the war in 2022 began with Russia.
I looooove history!

What is your knowledge of Putin's wars in Chechnya and Georgia? How long has Putin been trying to rebuild the Soviet Union while simultaneously looting the Russian treasury?
Russian air defense forces shot down two Ukrainian drones over the Black Sea off the coast of Sochi. According to the Ministry of Defense, the Ukrainian drones were shot down at about 7 a.m.

Footage of the impact of the Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet" on the British 155-mm AS-90 self-propelled gun of the Ukrainian army. In total, the Ukrainian army received 32 AS-90 self-propelled guns. These are the first frames where the destruction of the AS-90 self-propelled gun is clearly visible. After the drone hit the AS-90 self-propelled gun a fire started that completely destroyed the combat vehicle.Judging by the video, three of the four crew members managed to leave the combat vehicle.

I looooove history!

What is your knowledge of Putin's wars in Chechnya and Georgia? How long has Putin been trying to rebuild the Soviet Union while simultaneously looting the Russian treasury?

I know very well about all these wars. And I remember how Chechen terrorists blew up multi-storey buildings with civilian population. How they seized a school in Beslan with children. But you apparently don’t know about this terrorism. You probably don't want to know. Putin does not want to restore the USSR. In the USSR, many republics were unprofitable and had to be supported. Why does Russia need subsidized territories? Russia does not need them, just as the European Union does not need Ukraine, since it is poor. but you don’t know about it either
I know very well about all these wars. And I remember how Chechen terrorists blew up multi-storey buildings with civilian population. How they seized a school in Beslan with children. But you apparently don’t know about this terrorism. You probably don't want to know. Putin does not want to restore the USSR. In the USSR, many republics were unprofitable and had to be supported. Why does Russia need subsidized territories? Russia does not need them, just as the European Union does not need Ukraine, since it is poor. but you don’t know about it either
What's the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist, Roman?
Russia began using the TOS-2 Tosochka combat vehicle.

The Russian army began using the TOS-2 Tosochka heavy flamethrower vehicle. The TOS-2 heavy flamethrower vehicle was created on the basis of the TOS-1 Buratino and TOS-1A Solntsepek, however, unlike them, it has a wheeled chassis and significantly better characteristics. The combat vehicle was first shown in 2020. TOS-2 "Tosochka" is located on the "Tornado-U" wheeled chassis. A wheeled platform, compared to a tracked one, makes it possible to quickly deliver a combat vehicle to a firing position, and it is also cheaper to produce. The number of guide tubes for missiles has been reduced, now there are 18 of them, the caliber of the missiles remains the same 220 mm. Now they are using new TBS-M3 missiles; the firing range has begun to reach 16 and even 18 kilometers, according to some sources. TOS-2 with new missiles can hit targets over an area of 6 hectares. An important difference from previous TOS combat vehicles is the presence of an automatic crane for feeding shells; there is no need to use a transport-loading vehicle. The TOS-2 combat vehicle received modern guidance and fire control systems, they became automated. Satellite navigation, a Doppler speed meter, an inertial measurement unit, the latest communication system and a weather station make it much easier for a crew of 3 to complete a combat mission. The vehicle has an electronic defense system.

Freedom fighters do not arrange terrorist attacks
Correct, but typically Putinous duplicitous. It's like saying Terrorists aren't Freedom Fighters. Duh. Borscht stupidity.

Is the reason you can't answer because English is a second language for you? Or is it because you don't know? Or you aren't allowed to answer?
Ukrainian missiles were shot down near Sevastopol on October 18. The Ukrainian army tried to strike with anti-aircraft missiles of the Soviet S-200 air defense system, converted into a strike version. The missiles were reportedly shot down by a Russian S-400 air defense system in the Kara-Koba area. Both Ukrainian missiles fell in a deserted area.

The Russian military plant Almaz-Antey was built in record time.

In Moscow, a military plant of the Almaz-Antey concern was built in a record 8 months. The products of the Almaz-Antey concern are known all over the world; the plant produces air defense systems, in particular, the S-400 air defense system and the S-500 air defense system. The company also produces radars, locators and civilian products. The area of the new military plant is more than 90 thousand square meters, on the areas of which, under one roof, there will be areas for processing, assembly and testing of manufactured products. This arrangement will make it possible to maximally increase production rates to the level required to meet not only current, but also future needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense

Correct, but typically Putinous duplicitous. It's like saying Terrorists aren't Freedom Fighters. Duh. Borscht stupidity.

Is the reason you can't answer because English is a second language for you? Or is it because you don't know? Or you aren't allowed to answer?

I answered you clearly and clearly. And everything else is your imagination