Map of Russia's special operations in Ukraine, the advance of Russian troops, militar

Footage of workshops producing Russian kamikaze drones “Geran-2” has been published. Although it was previously reported unofficially where the production is located, we cannot disclose this. The Geranium-2 drone is a modernized and localized version of the Iranian Shahed-136 drone; there is a review of the drone on the channel. As can be seen from the video, truly mass production of drones has been established. Some drones are painted black for use at night, and some drones are known to be coated with a special radio-absorbing material. British experts examined one of the drones, and it follows from them that the drone has already become Russian. The body is now made of fiberglass and carbon fiber, the manufacturer has optimized and simplified the design. The drone's satellite navigation unit is based on the Russian Comet receiver; the antennas are integrated into the body. The Gerany-2 drones use boards with elements created on a 3D printer and an inertial measurement unit, which allows them to operate in conditions of poor satellite signal. The Russian drone “Geran-2” uses an engine produced by the Chinese company Beijing MicroPilot UAV Flight Control Systems MD550, it is similar to the Iranian engine MADO MD 550, the engine costs about 13 thousand dollars

The first clear images have been published of a defeat in the Nikanorovka area, 40 kilometers from the front line, of the Ukrainian M142 HIMARS MLRS of American production. The HIMARS MLRS was developed in 1996, the firing range of the MLRS, the new PrSM tactical missile is up to 400 km, the video is on the channel, these missiles are not supplied to Ukraine. Presumably the HIMARS MLRS was destroyed by the new 300 mm Russian 9M544 or 9M549 missile used in the Tornado-S MLRS, we previously reported on them. The missiles are guided by Glonass coordinates and are capable of hitting targets at a range of up to 120 kilometers. As a result of the Tornado-S missile strike, the HIMARS MLRS installation and a vehicle with missiles or ammunition nearby were destroyed; the video shows spontaneous missile launches. There is a version that the strike was carried out by an Iskander missile, but Iskander missiles usually leave a crater with a diameter of about 10 meters.

Footage of the battle, the crew of the large landing ship "Caesar Kunikov" project 775, the Russian Black Sea Fleet, with the Ukrainian naval drone "Magura V5". Previously, we published this fight filmed on drone cameras. The ship was reportedly attacked by ten naval drones on February 14, four of which were destroyed by small arms fire. The remaining drones hit the port side and stern, after which the ship tilted and subsequently sank; this has not been officially confirmed. The crew could not repel this attack, since judging by the video, the ship is not equipped with additional turrets on the sides. The crew does not have thermal imagers or night vision devices; the fire is conducted from conventional small arms; the battle lasted 20 minutes. Attacks on ships began to be carried out by dozens of drones; not a single ship can now repel such an attack; ships need to be equipped with additional means of defense.

Footage of the production and testing of the Russian airborne electronic warfare complex L-370 "Vitebsk", designed to protect aircraft and helicopters from missiles. The developer of the complex is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute Ekran, it is produced by the KRET company, journalist Alexey Egorov interviewed the developers. The Russian airborne defense complex L-370 "Vitebsk" is produced in two versions, the L-370 version is used for helicopters, and the "Vitebsk-25" version is used for aircraft. The electronic warfare system is effective, but it does not provide 100 percent protection; in the cockpit you can often hear the phrase “Attack from the right, attack from the left,” this means that the electronic warfare system detected the missile launch and rejected it. Judging by the videos published by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the complex quite often saved the lives of pilots. The Vitebsk electronic warfare system is also installed on the Il-96-300 aircraft on which the Russian President flies.
In the video you can see tests of the L-370 electronic warfare system installed on a Mi-8 helicopter; as you can see in the video, the complex successfully rejects Igla MANPADS missiles; a total of 20 of them were fired. The sets of the L-370 "Vitebsk" complex are placed in suspended containers on the suspension units of the Su-25SM3 aircraft and on the Ka-52, Mi-26, Mi-8 and Mi-35M helicopters. It is worth noting that it is not often found on Su-25 aircraft.
The basis of the Vitebsk electronic warfare is the L-370-3S active jamming station; according to the developer, the station is much faster than the electronic warfare on other aircraft: the Sorptsiya electronic warfare on the Su-27, Omul on the Su-25 and Gardenia on MiG-29. Electronic warfare L-370 "Vitebsk" is capable of assessing the intensity of radar radiation and suppressing this signal in a wide frequency range. The complex also includes a missile protection system with a thermal homing head. In the photo you can see the composition of the complex placed on the Su-25Sm3 aircraft and the Ka-52 helicopter. The system automatically detects a missile launch and activates the use of passive jamming, thermal decoys and chaffs, as well as active protection in the infrared and radio bands. The operation of electronic warfare leads to disruption of the missile homing systems and provokes them to fly to false targets. The system can operate automatically without operator participation, only providing information about the attack angle and the nature of the threat. They plan to equip the Il-76, Il-78, An-72, An-124 aircraft, as well as the promising Il-112V, with the complex.

Footage of a Russian Iskander tactical missile striking a Ukrainian missile, presumably a Patriot air defense system, near Pokrovsk. Initially it was reported that the strike was carried out on the Ukrainian S-300PS air defense system, but experts, including Ukrainian ones, reported that as a result of the analysis, the affected object can be identified as MIM-104 Patriot. The conclusions are reportedly based on the door shape of MAN KAT1 8x8 trucks, which are used as chassis for German Patriot air defense missile launchers. Retractable supports characteristic of the Patriot air defense system were also seen on the wreckage. It is still impossible to say for sure what was hit, but three vehicles were destroyed on the march, presumably two air defense missile launchers and a radar for illuminating and targeting missiles.

An episode of the battle, with the evacuation of a wounded Ukrainian soldier by a Russian assault detachment, the location of the battle was not reported.

Ukrainian kamikaze drones attacked the Russian oil refinery in Ryazan of the Ryazannefteprodukt company. A total of 3 drones took part in the attack; judging by the video, it seems that the drones did not strike at programmed coordinates, but were controlled manually. As a result of the drone strike, a fire started at the oil refinery, two petroleum products processing units caught fire, the fire area was 150 square meters.

Ukrainian kamikaze drones attacked the Russian oil refinery in Ryazan of the Ryazannefteprodukt company. A total of 3 drones took part in the attack; judging by the video, it seems that the drones did not strike at programmed coordinates, but were controlled manually. As a result of the drone strike, a fire started at the oil refinery, two petroleum products processing units caught fire, the fire area was 150 square meters.

Ukraine bet on the wrong horse.

Bend over and prepare to be mounted.
The Russian army has modernized the design of Iskander-M ballistic missiles, Ukrainian media reported this. According to materials published by the Ukrainian side, Russia has made changes to the design of 9M723 ballistic missiles. Apparently the developers considered that the missiles had sufficient characteristics to overcome air defense systems and increased the noise immunity and accuracy of the missiles. The published photos show that the decoy submunitions previously used in missiles, which were fired in flight to distract air defense systems, have been removed from the missile. To increase the noise immunity and accuracy of the missiles, additional GPS/GLONASS satellite navigation modules are installed, similar to the Comet satellite data reception module; each of them has four 4-beam antennas. The Iskander-M complex was put into service in 2006 and uses two types of missiles, the 9M723 ballistic missile, also called Iskander-M, and the 9M728 Iskander-K cruise missile.

Footage of a Ukrainian robotic platform designed for laying TM-62 anti-tank mines. In the video, a homemade ground drone creates a mine barrier; technical specifications were not disclosed.

Russian ships will be equipped with additional firepower to protect against naval drones. The Russian Defense Minister, during a working trip, visited the command post of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. After hearing reports from the fleet command and staff officers, the minister set the task of conducting constant training with personnel both during the day and at night to repel threats associated with UAVs and sea drones. The Head of the Ministry of Defense also set the task of placing additional fire weapons and large-caliber machine gun rifle systems on the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, as well as increasing their survivability. What exactly will be posted and in what time frame is not reported. It is worth noting that it is still not clear why the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, in connection with the emerging threats from sea drones, were not previously equipped with additional means of protection.

Ukraine will receive BTR-50P, BTR-60 and BRDM-2 from Bulgaria. Since the 1980s, armored personnel carriers have been stored in the warehouses of the Bulgarian Ministry of Internal Affairs; the transfer of equipment was delayed due to a lack of funding for transportation. The first train of 30 cars with BTR-60 has already been sent to Ukraine; in total, it is planned to transfer about 110 combat vehicles. Briefly about the technology, the BTR-50P was put into service in 1954, the BTR-60 was put into service in 1959 and the BRDM-2 was put into service in 1962. It is worth noting that the modernized BRDM-2MS reconnaissance and patrol vehicles are now used by the Russian army

Footage of the Russian kamikaze drone Lancet-51 hitting an American-made Ukrainian Island-class patrol boat. The shooting was carried out in the Southern Bug in Nikolaev, 50 kilometers from the front line. The Island-class patrol boat was developed in 1985 and is used by the US Coast Guard; it is now being replaced by other boats. The patrol boat is armed with two 12.7 and 7.62 machine guns; a 25-mm 2M-3M anti-aircraft artillery mount was also installed in Ukraine. The boat is equipped with a radar and has a speed of up to 29 knots, with a crew of 16 people. As a result of the strike from the Lancet-51 drone, the boat did not receive any visible serious damage and continued to move.

Footage of an inspection inside an American-made Ukrainian M1A1 SA Abrams tank. The tank had previously been hit or hit a mine in the Avdeevsky direction, this is the outskirts of Berdychi, after which the crew abandoned it. These tanks were received by the 47th separate mechanized brigade "Magura". The M1A1SA Abrams tank is a modification of the eighties, improved to meet the requirements for tanks of the late nineties. In terms of equipment and capabilities, the M1A1SA tank is similar to tanks of the next modification M1A2 of the early series.

Ukraine trains F-16 pilots in Denmark. Belgium has provided 50 instructors and two F-16 training aircraft to train Ukrainian Air Force pilots at Skrydstrup Air Base in Denmark. The training follows a shortened program and takes six months instead of the required several years; the first pilots will be ready in May. According to one Belgian pilot, the main problems in training are lack of knowledge of English and different measurement systems. The number of Ukrainian pilots being trained is not disclosed, and the press is also not allowed to see them.
It is assumed that Ukraine will be able to cover its skies with F-16 aircraft; the possibility of doing this is small, according to Western experts. The fact is that the F-16, like the Mig-29 of Ukraine, is a fourth-generation aircraft, they do not have stealth technologies and are clearly visible by air defense and more modern fighters. At the moment, F-16s have not been transferred to Ukraine and their exact number has not been reported. Denmark currently has 33 F-16AM aircraft and 10 two-seat F-16BM combat trainers, while the Netherlands has 29 F-16AM aircraft.

Use of the T-72 tank and BMP-3 during the assault on Georgievka. Footage of the assault in the area of Georgievka, a stronghold of the Ukrainian army located nearby in a forest belt. The video shows the use of a presumably Russian T-72 tank and a BMP-3 armored personnel carrier. A group of combat vehicles is moving under Ukrainian artillery fire towards a strong point. When approaching the positions, the tank and infantry fighting vehicles begin to suppress the firing points, after which troops land from the BMP-3 and storm the strong point. The video was filmed in the Maryinsky direction and shortened, the end of the battle is shown on the telegram channel.

Footage of the Russian upgraded Kh-101 missile hitting the Ukrainian DneproGES this morning. In the video you can also hear the sound of the Russian hypersonic missile Kinzhal flying. During the flight, the Kh-101 missile uses the L-504 onboard defense system, firing anti-aircraft decoys. The missile was put into service in 2012 and is equipped with a turbojet bypass engine allowing it to reach speeds of up to 970 km/h at a range of at least 4,500 kilometers, the weight of the missile warhead is 400 kg. As a result of Russian missile strikes, the DneproGES received severe damage, and the station's turbine room caught fire.

Heavy-duty FAB-3000 bombs began to be made in Russia, review. The Russian Minister of Defense visited enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the Nizhny Novgorod region, where he got acquainted with the production process of the Russian heavy-duty bomb FAB-3000. In the video you can also see the production of Russian aerial bombs FAB-1500 and FAB-500T, we previously showed this plant, the video can be found in the “Russian Military Factories” playlist. The plant's management reported that it had restored the mass production of FAB-3000 aerial bombs, increased the production of FAB-500 aerial bombs many times over, and also doubled the production of FAB-1500-M54 bombs. Such results were achieved thanks to the reactivation of capacities, technical re-equipment and modernization of production lines; the plant also hired about 1000 more people.

As reported, FAB-3000 bombs will also be equipped with flight planning and correction modules (UMPC). Most likely, the correction module will be equipped with an accelerator to avoid the aircraft entering the air defense zone. It is worth noting that the bomb can be carried by a Tu-22M3 bomber and theoretically by a Su-34 aircraft. The FAB-3000 air bomb was put into service in 1954 and is intended to destroy industrial and other large objects. You can see the bomb's structure on the screen. Typically, a bomb is dropped from a height of up to 16 thousand meters at a flight speed of up to 1200 km/h. The radius of complete destruction of the FAB-3000 bomb is about 46 meters, the fragmentation field when crushing the body and destroying the target is 260 meters. The enemy within a radius of up to 158 meters receives severe concussions. The total mass of the bomb is 3067 kg, it is loaded with 1387 kg of TNT and has 3 fuses.
