APP - marine told he must get permit or remove flag poll

and is it then your contention that only people who have taken accredited training and given the official seal of approval from momma gov knows what they are doing? that it's just not possible for someone to know what they are doing without those officially sanctioned items?

i once had an occasion to run 230 vac underground wiring from my main to a 60 amp subpanel in my garage

i went to the city electrician for the necessary permit and he showed me what to do and even suggested a couple of electrical supply stores where i could get the necessary materials. when i was ready, he came out to inspect what i had done and approved my work.

'mama' gov may be a pain sometimes, but it can also be quite friendly sometimes, especially in small towns...but then this was about 30 years ago

a licensed contractor would have cost me several times what i did for myself with the help of 'mama' gov

oh well
Yes, but licensing and govco oversight ensures that the credentials are real.

I see it as a consumer issue. It is in the Constitution for GovCo to set standards of weights and measures and to coin money. By extension, labels are required on everything from food, clothing and building materials so the consumer can quickly and reliably compare products and make a decision of it's value to themselves. Without these standards Company xyz could produce products that appear equal on their face but are not, and both its competitors and its consumers would suffer.

It's no different when selecting a contractor.
that's patently ridiculous. anyone can be capable of doing as good of a job, if not better, than a government regulated and licensed contractor if they simply take the time to learn the task. it also doesn't jive with the BS theory that if a gov regulated and licensed contractor builds something to code, and that something fails and injures or kills someone, then they can be sued. why have the regulations and licensing if it's not to protect the contractor from frivolous lawsuits?

what if a person was licensed to do something but let the license expire 2 years ago. Does that person then go through a deconditioning that removes all that particular knowledge from his mind?
that's patently ridiculous. anyone can be capable of doing as good of a job, if not better, than a government regulated and licensed contractor if they simply take the time to learn the task. it also doesn't jive with the BS theory that if a gov regulated and licensed contractor builds something to code, and that something fails and injures or kills someone, then they can be sued. why have the regulations and licensing if it's not to protect the contractor from frivolous lawsuits?

what if a person was licensed to do something but let the license expire 2 years ago. Does that person then go through a deconditioning that removes all that particular knowledge from his mind?

If they can learn the task then they can apply for the license. As long the licensing isn't overly burdensome then it is the right thing to do.
If they can learn the task then they can apply for the license. As long the licensing isn't overly burdensome then it is the right thing to do.
that's patently ridiculous as well. many people can learn how to do something, that does not mean that they can automatically afford some BS license for it.
that's patently ridiculous as well. many people can learn how to do something, that does not mean that they can automatically afford some BS license for it.

That's amusing that you mention patents. It's the same thing, really. GovCo issues patents so inventors can re-coup their creative and monetary investments. GovCo issues permits and licenses so professionals can re-coup the investments in their careers.

Do you have the same hostility towards the patent system?
That's amusing that you mention patents. It's the same thing, really. GovCo issues patents so inventors can re-coup their creative and monetary investments. GovCo issues permits and licenses so professionals can re-coup the investments in their careers.

Do you have the same hostility towards the patent system?
that's a strawman, unless you're intimating that flagpole installation should be intellectual property.
so as in the previous conversation about specifics, you are going to resort to more obfuscation. if you don't want to answer a question, just say so instead of playing games.

You're the one playing games here with the straw man. Reply to my post seriously if you're interested in having a serious discussion. Or not.