Good Luck
New member
Your argument, as usual, completely misses any point being made because you are the one who is the blind idealogue. This is a WORLD WAR TWO photograph which has become the icon of the sacrifice made by servicemen in that war, particularly the Marine Corps. I am sure you know that the Marine Corps has made a monument based on that photograph.It may surprise you tp know that there are lots of "liberals" in the Marines, in fact, there may have been some in the picture.
I'm coming to recognize that youb are strickly an ideolouge and everything to you comes down to "liberals" .. even when only republicans are involved. If you don't like it, liberals must have done it.
You have a lot of nerve talking about the deaths of US servicemen and women when it was your side of the fence that sent them off to die .. for senseless bullshit m,ade-up by republicans.
You also have a lot of nerve speaking as if you're the only intellectual here, when in fact your ideological blinders don't even allow you to honestly or intellectually discern, interpret, or analyze anything that doesn't fit in your political box.
In case you also haven't noticed, Americans aren't angry at liberals.
But, no, you have to make it about what YOU want to make it about, your objection to the war in Iraq.
And yes I have the nerve to talk about the death of U.S. servicemen. I have been in the field and watched people die. I lost a kidney, and later due to the same bullet, had to have a total hip replacement. Only that particular cluster fuck was the instigation of YOUR side of the fence, since you are so intenet on laying blame on political parties.
And for "speaking as if you're the only intellectual here", I was responding directly to an childish asshole's personal attack. At no time did I even HINT I thought I was the only intellectual, did I? But you, like the other mindless liberal assholes on here, have to make issues about personalities. I come here to debate issues, not personalities.
There was a time we debated, both of us passionately, but also respectfully.
I see, typical of your type of political philosophy, the respect has come to an end. So stuff it up your braindead ass.