Marjorie Taylor Greene claims the lack of tax raises during ice age proves

Agreed. And thanks to people like the 'new' person here, her wacky ideas get traction.

She just needs to visit a few more traitors in jail, and maybe try some youth cream, because she's way too old for Donald's taste. He likes them to look like Ivanka. So he can fantasize.
Wacky people exist. IMO, it's a great way to determine levels of rationality. :)

MTG is competing against Kari. The one with the biggest boobs will be Trump's candidate.
It was Bisop Ussher who lived from 1581 to 1656 who used the bible and worked backward to determine the age of the earth. He came up with 6000 years and it has been used as a real date in the church. That is the age that Christians use whether you heard it in church or not.

Thanks for this info. I looked it up after reading your post and there's some interesting stuff on wiki about him.
Thanks for this info. I looked it up after reading your post and there's some interesting stuff on wiki about him.

The link mentions the Young Earth Creationists. It's the main reason why literal believers in the Bible believe dinosaurs are the work of Satan and refuse to accept modern scientific analyses about the age of the Earth and the Universe.
The link mentions the Young Earth Creationists. It's the main reason why literal believers in the Bible believe dinosaurs are the work of Satan and refuse to accept modern scientific analyses about the age of the Earth and the Universe.

The Creation Museum has dioramas of humans living alongside dinosaurs, if you can believe it.

The nutter Ken Ham is from Australia, I don't think his wacko doddle stuff plays there , he picked a good place for it in America-Kentucky

I didn't know that about Ham. I just looked him up and he really is nuts. He's the person who started that website "Answers in Genesis."
One idiot is one idiot.
We've always had them.

What we need to think about is this: an entire congressional district elected this deranged schifosa.

Is there maybe a spray or something we could use,
and then when it's safe,
try to populate the area with actual humans?
I am a Christian and I have never heard anyone say that in any Church I’ve ever been to. In fact, evolution fits in perfectly with the Bible

How many churches are you claiming to have visited?

Please explain how you think "evolution fits in perfectly with the Bible". If you can't, I understand. LOL