Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'good Christian' abortion meltdown

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Many of us, though, aren’t Christian, and don’t want to try to be Christian. Just to take one example: Jewish people’s experience of Christian morality has not been universally uplifting, to say the least.

Some will argue that antisemitism is not real Christianity. But you can’t just disavow a couple of thousands years of persecution and hate. And if Christianity equals virtue, where does that leave Jewish people — or Muslims, or atheists, or Buddhists, for that matter?

Of course there are good Christians, as there are good people of every faith, and of no faith. But one of the hallmarks of immoral forms of Christianity is a belief that Christianity can only be good — and that the good can only be Christian.

This is the logic of Marjorie Taylor Greene and the rabidly Trumpist politics she represents. Sociologist Philip Gorski argued in a 2019 article that evangelical white Christians loved Trump not despite his violent and scabrous language, but precisely because he told them they were better than everyone else. Evangelicals, Gorski said, responded to “Trump’s racialized, apocalyptic, and blood-drenched rhetoric.” That rhetoric harkened back to the Christian language deployed to justify slavery and Native American genocide.

Trump told white evangelical Christians that they had a right and a duty to impose their morality, through force, on others. Marjorie Taylor Greene is following through on a tradition of dispossession and cruelty when she insults abortion supporters or tries to seize control of people’s bodies in the name of a higher morality.
Christianity is a powerful and important tradition in the U.S.; it shouldn’t just be left to the Greene's and the Trump's. But part of contesting their hold on Christianity is refusing to acquiesce to Christian supremacy. It means acknowledging non-Christians in discussions of America, and in discussions of goodness.
Religious Quacks. Bad for Society. They all want to impose 'God's Law' on the rest of us. (Can you imagine a 'No Bacon' Law? ... what IDIOTS!)
Some of the Religious Quacks claim: "We are the Chosen People". This sounds familiar ... and dangerous.
Trump praises all women who give him a handjob.

Marjie will say whatever gets her attention just like Trump does. Last Friday it was abortion, next week it'll be something else be it Jewish Space Lasers or space alien technology in the vaccine.

She's an okay looking woman with a very good set of feet. I'd have a one night stand with her then I would throw her out like a trash that is her the next morning.
Christianity is a powerful and important tradition in the U.S.; it shouldn’t just be left to the Greene's and the Trump's. But part of contesting their hold on Christianity is refusing to acquiesce to Christian supremacy. It means acknowledging non-Christians in discussions of America, and in discussions of goodness.

They won't because this isn't' about Christianity. This is about using religion as a tool to acquire power. Another thing Trump was fairly good at even though he never invented a fucking thing.
Many of us, though, aren’t Christian, and don’t want to try to be Christian. Just to take one example: Jewish people’s experience of Christian morality has not been universally uplifting, to say the least.

Some will argue that antisemitism is not real Christianity. But you can’t just disavow a couple of thousands years of persecution and hate. And if Christianity equals virtue, where does that leave Jewish people — or Muslims, or atheists, or Buddhists, for that matter?

Of course there are good Christians, as there are good people of every faith, and of no faith. But one of the hallmarks of immoral forms of Christianity is a belief that Christianity can only be good — and that the good can only be Christian.

This is the logic of Marjorie Taylor Greene and the rabidly Trumpist politics she represents. Sociologist Philip Gorski argued in a 2019 article that evangelical white Christians loved Trump not despite his violent and scabrous language, but precisely because he told them they were better than everyone else. Evangelicals, Gorski said, responded to “Trump’s racialized, apocalyptic, and blood-drenched rhetoric.” That rhetoric harkened back to the Christian language deployed to justify slavery and Native American genocide.

Trump told white evangelical Christians that they had a right and a duty to impose their morality, through force, on others. Marjorie Taylor Greene is following through on a tradition of dispossession and cruelty when she insults abortion supporters or tries to seize control of people’s bodies in the name of a higher morality.

hopefully you realize that even atheists can believe that killing your children is not a good's sad when idiots like Dingell decide to attack the religion of their colleagues......

from your link.....
“You should practice the basic thing you're taught in church: respect your neighbor,” Dingell shouted.

Dingell should be censored by the House.....
She's an okay looking woman with a very good set of feet. I'd have a one night stand with her then I would throw her out like a trash that is her the next morning.

Sex with a crazy woman is the best sex. Just never turn your back on them and have a preplanned escape route.
Many of us, though, aren’t Christian, and don’t want to try to be Christian. Just to take one example: Jewish people’s experience of Christian morality has not been universally uplifting, to say the least.

Some will argue that antisemitism is not real Christianity. But you can’t just disavow a couple of thousands years of persecution and hate. And if Christianity equals virtue, where does that leave Jewish people — or Muslims, or atheists, or Buddhists, for that matter?

Of course there are good Christians, as there are good people of every faith, and of no faith. But one of the hallmarks of immoral forms of Christianity is a belief that Christianity can only be good — and that the good can only be Christian.

This is the logic of Marjorie Taylor Greene and the rabidly Trumpist politics she represents. Sociologist Philip Gorski argued in a 2019 article that evangelical white Christians loved Trump not despite his violent and scabrous language, but precisely because he told them they were better than everyone else. Evangelicals, Gorski said, responded to “Trump’s racialized, apocalyptic, and blood-drenched rhetoric.” That rhetoric harkened back to the Christian language deployed to justify slavery and Native American genocide.

Trump told white evangelical Christians that they had a right and a duty to impose their morality, through force, on others. Marjorie Taylor Greene is following through on a tradition of dispossession and cruelty when she insults abortion supporters or tries to seize control of people’s bodies in the name of a higher morality.

Christianity is a powerful and important tradition in the U.S.; it shouldn’t just be left to the Greene's and the Trump's. But part of contesting their hold on Christianity is refusing to acquiesce to Christian supremacy. It means acknowledging non-Christians in discussions of America, and in discussions of goodness.

Don't lose heart. You might be shocked at how many Americans -- including most Christians-- reject that bullshit.
Really? Prove it Mr. Science.

easy enough.....the DNA of the zygote, the embryo, the fetus, the infant, the pubescent, the geriatric.........are all the same.......the being does not change from one entity into another.......from the moment of conception until full maturity that being produces and reproduces cells.......dead things do not do that......"child" is an arbitrary term that can be applied to that entity at the will of the speaker.......everyone who conceives such an entity considers it a child, UNLESS they want to kill that point it is considered a pile of parisitic cells that can be disposed of at will.......that is, if you're the type of person who doesn't give a fuck about human life.....