Mark Meadows is cooperating with the Feds.

The part about the manatees is rational, but the part about the mythical mermaids is not rational.

Why not?

The human race has evolved into all different forms in the past, why is hard to imagine that one of those branches became mermaids?

Humans did originally crawl out of the ocean you know.
Prolly because they are not as smart at hiding it as the democrats.

BINGO. that is a big part.

But you could have stopped after the word 'smart'.

The right contains the rump of the country and sees Marjorie Greene and Boebert as the exemplars they are now pushing in to power who will start to dictate what investigations get done and what is prioritized. If you think that is a model for success, good luck to you.

But the other big part is the right is full of cheats, grifters and liars, and they like and support that.

Another GOP freshman has been accused of lying on his resume. Blame Trump.
Rep. Andy Ogles has become the third House Republican freshman to face questions about his biography.

Have you heard about the Republican representative accused of an embellished biography?

No, not George Santos, who lied about graduating from Baruch, working on Wall Street and lending his campaign hundreds of thousands of dollars.

No, not Anna Paulina Luna, whose friends and extended family dispute her accounts of past traumas, including an alleged “home invasion” and an impoverished childhood.

No, the one who, according to a local television station, falsely claimed to be “an economist, a nationally recognized expert in tax policy and health care, a trained police officer, even an expert in international sex crimes.”

That would be Rep. Andy Ogles, R-Tenn., who in recent weeks became the third of the 40 members in the House GOP’s freshman class to face questions about their biographies. Nashville’s WTVF has uncovered multiple misrepresentations from Ogles that rival the better known fabrications of Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y. On several occasions, including his first hearing on the House Financial Services Committee, Ogles referred to himself as an economist, even though he had no academic or job training in the discipline. His closest claim to expertise was working as a lobbyist and staffer for two conservative groups, though there’s no evidence he produced any economic research.

Both on the campaign trail and in office, Ogles also referred to past work in law enforcement combating “human trafficking.” According to WTVF, though, his law enforcement career consisted of just over two years as a volunteer reserve deputy with the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office — a position he lost for failing to meet minimum attendance and training requirements. ...

The above is FEATURE and not a bug of today's GOP. Grifters and con men, inspired by Donald Trump, are upping their game. They are taking their con games to the biggest stage,m Congress, knowing GOP voters love being conned, and love donating to conmen.

They see Trump grifting at the highest levels and are following the path he cut.

(inb4 Lionfish's TDS is triggered by mention of Trump as a grifter and his coming Karen tears)
It is time for all of you who said "They will never get away with doing that to Trump" to wake up and smell the coffee.

It is much later than you know.

The Revolution rarely loses.


Its important he not get away with it, nobody, not even Trump is above the law.
why do you continue to lie?.....

or the other answer is simply that you are wrong, and ...stupid.


Trumps numbers look ready to re double by the time this round of convictions is done.
or the other answer is simply that you are wrong, and ...stupid.


Trumps numbers look ready to re double by the time this round of convictions is done.

that's the lie I was referring don't even dare tell us which lying lib'rul blog it comes from