Mars Dragonfly Flexes It's Muscles And Is Successful

I never used a 3D printer but isn't it a matter of scanning in the data and hitting "Print"? :D

My friend who is a teacher just got a new 3D printer at her school. She said it needed some work but it was awesome. She had to adjust the model a bit. (Not the Mars helicopter model. LOL)
Ah I thought you were being philosophical. My apologies.

We are already helping the homeless and the hungry people.

It was 50/50 IMO. I gave CO the benefit of the doubt for being scientifically oriented and honest enough to stick with the spirit of the thread. In short, I gave him a choice between focusing upon your reply or mine. He chose yours. Any guesses why? :)
That is a non sequitur. I mean, for slower folks, what is the point of spending all of the money for a "helicopter" when people are homeless and hungry here on earth.

There will be future hungry. It's important for mankind to expand off-planet since we or our descendents could be wiped out by a natural disaster such as an impact event, supervolcano, plague, idiocracy, etc.

IMO, it's really important that people with the same heart as our pioneer ancestors get off this rock before it goes full-blown liberals full of guitar-strumming, pot-smoking hippies living in government group homes with a small subsidy for their lifestyle "studies".

Seriously; let's open another frontier as fast as we can.

Or you can wimp-out and be a pussified city boy. Your call, sir. :flagsal:
It was 50/50 IMO. I gave CO the benefit of the doubt for being scientifically oriented and honest enough to stick with the spirit of the thread. In short, I gave him a choice between focusing upon your reply or mine. He chose yours. Any guesses why? :)

Yep. You are too smart and being too scientific for him. Gotta go lower to his level.
My friend who is a teacher just got a new 3D printer at her school. She said it needed some work but it was awesome. She had to adjust the model a bit. (Not the Mars helicopter model. LOL)

No doubt some plans will evolve and, for those with the tech, be able to print one. Most will have to settle for 3D simulations and plastic model kits.

I used to build a lot of airplane models as a kid. Mostly WWII.
No doubt some plans will evolve and, for those with the tech, be able to print one. Most will have to settle for 3D simulations and plastic model kits.

I used to build a lot of airplane models as a kid. Mostly WWII.

They even been working on "printing" the real food! Almost like the replicators on Star Trek tv show!
Ah I thought you were being philosophical. My apologies.

We are already helping the homeless and the hungry people.

I should have been more clear. Still, it seems, to me, a colossal waste of resources. We know what the surface of Mars looks like. We also know that Mars and human life are not compatible.
I should have been more clear. Still, it seems, to me, a colossal waste of resources. We know what the surface of Mars looks like. We also know that Mars and human life are not compatible.

No we do not know that.

Like Uncle Dutch said, it's a proof of concept that has been proven. It's a first step.

If rich sources of resources have been found, would you say it's been a waste of time at that time?
I should have been more clear. Still, it seems, to me, a colossal waste of resources. We know what the surface of Mars looks like. We also know that Mars and human life are not compatible.
No we do not know that.

Like Uncle Dutch said, it's a proof of concept that has been proven. It's a first step.

If rich sources of resources have been found, would you say it's been a waste of time at that time?

Agreed. For the previously posted reasons, it's important to open a frontier for people who don't want to become liberals. :)
Or hop into his looney bin. ;)

People like Ted Bundy, Ted Kaczynski and Edmund Kemper prove that a nutjob can be highly intelligent.

Beware of those evil intelligent people who have the innate ability to get you to see their point of views and, heaven forbid, get you to agree with them at some point.

Beware of those evil intelligent people who have the innate ability to get you to see their point of views and, heaven forbid, get you to agree with them at some point.

Part of evolution is mankind is to dominate his environment; which includes each other if not working together to dominate others.

IMO, the difference between Good and Evil in that case would be the desired goals of the human culture involved.