Mars Helicopter Does CHOP! CHOP! CHOP!


Black Kitty Ain't Happy

What does it sound like on Mars in it's thin atmosphere?

What does one rotor chopping sound like?
When we see what incredible things that we can do,
that makes not being able to do things that should be much easier to do
all the more frustrating.
When we see what incredible things that we can do,
that makes not being able to do things that should be much easier to do
all the more frustrating.
When you see the money we waste on these projects with millions of people starving.

Oh, I see there is going to be a delay in the plan...

(from your link) "Editor's Note: On April 10, NASA announced that based on data from the Ingenuity Mars helicopter that came in late on April 9, the agency has chosen to reschedule the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter’s first experimental flight to no earlier than Wednesday, April 14. "
Notice how few people care.

Speak for yourself.
Deplorables, Rightwing insurrectionists, barely educated hillbillies have never had any interest in space exploration, physics, genetics, evolutionary biology.

But most sentient life forms are interested in science and advancing the frontiers of human knowledge. That is what makes NASA arguably the most respected and admired government agency in the history of the United States.
Hello Althea,

When you see the money we waste on these projects with millions of people starving.

And I suppose Lincoln should have suspended construction work on the Capitol Dome when the Civil War broke out. Many thought he should. But he said no, the work must go on. His words: "If people see the Capitol going on, it is a sign we intend the Union shall go on."
Speak for yourself.
Deplorables, Rightwing insurrectionists, barely educated hillbillies have never had any interest in space exploration, physics, genetics, evolutionary biology.

But most sentient life forms are interested in science and advancing the frontiers of human knowledge. That is what makes NASA arguably the most respected and admired government agency in the history of the United States.

I am. I am saying that I have noticed a general lack of interest in this mars mission.

What do you see?
Hello Althea,

And I suppose Lincoln should have suspended construction work on the Capitol Dome when the Civil War broke out. Many thought he should. But he said no, the work must go on. His words: "If people see the Capitol going on, it is a sign we intend the Union shall go on."
Is this a sign that we're about to invade Mars?
I am. I am saying that I have noticed a general lack of interest in this mars mission.

What do you see?

^ I see a poster who probably does not have the slightest interest in space exploration, theoretical physics, evolutionary biology.
^ I see a poster who probably does not have the slightest interest in space exploration, theoretical physics, evolutionary biology.
There was once a time when the middle class could earn a good wage, support a family, and pay their taxes. The wealthy paid their fair share of taxes, and there was money for scientific experiment. I just question the combination of lower revenue and increased spending on this program? The nation is crumbling around us. It could certainly be argued that many of our advancements in society have come from the space program.

I think we forgot about the basics, though.
There was once a time when the middle class could earn a good wage, support a family, and pay their taxes. The wealthy paid their fair share of taxes, and there was money for scientific experiment. I just question the combination of lower revenue and increased spending on this program? The nation is crumbling around us. It could certainly be argued that many of our advancements in society have come from the space program.

I think we forgot about the basics, though.

In my opinion, the developed world has more than enough money for universal healthcare, public retirement pensions, unemployment insurance, and foreign aid to developing countries as well as for particle accelerators, public art museums, space exploration.

What is lacking is political will.
^ I see a poster who probably does not have the slightest interest in space exploration, theoretical physics, evolutionary biology.

Be useful please, which Austin Powers movie is the most fun?

I am tasked with finding tonights flix.

We are having ribs.

And cornbread.
