Mars Helicopter Does CHOP! CHOP! CHOP!

There was once a time when the middle class could earn a good wage, support a family, and pay their taxes. The wealthy paid their fair share of taxes, and there was money for scientific experiment. I just question the combination of lower revenue and increased spending on this program? The nation is crumbling around us. It could certainly be argued that many of our advancements in society have come from the space program.

I think we forgot about the basics, though.

There are certainly issues, but compare the standard of living in the 1950s to someone in the lower middle class now.

A big part of the problem, besides enough taxes to cover spending, is that Americans are repeatedly pushed to be consumers. Keep up with the Jones. The "if you don't have a late model car for $50K, then you're a loser" attitude. In short, people are wasting so much of their money on fun stuff that they need to work harder to cover their bills.

Example: Private schools for kids. Both parents work to cover the higher expense.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Not worth the risk. It is unwise to experiment with one's life for a cheap thrill.

Dude, you experient with your life every time you drive down to the 7-11 for a popsicle. :)

I've flown a lot of those. It just takes a little training and common sense.

For example, don't fly around storms.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Dude, you experient with your life every time you drive down to the 7-11 for a popsicle. :)

I've flown a lot of those. It just takes a little training and common sense.

For example, don't fly around storms.

To each his own. Let it suffice to say that I have undertaken some dangerous things in my life and am very lucky to still be alive. It could easily have gone a badly for me at several points that I remember all too well. BTDT. I feel lucky to be able to enjoy the life I have now and I have no desire to change that.

You're right. The simple act of driving on American highways is the most dangerous thing most people do. So for me, it is illogical to add to the risk for a quick thrill when there are very rewarding and much safer activities available.

And it is also true that the way the driver approaches that risk has a lot of bearing on how risky that is. We would be best if every driver took the responsibility as serious as life and death, but we know that's not the case. I would like it if it were mandatory for every single vehicle on the road to be required to display a plaque on the dashboard which reads:

"Driving is dangerous. Today could be the last day of your life. Please drive safely."

One thing stuck with me from drivers ed: Patience + courtesy = safety. I wish more drivers thought about that more often.
I am. I am saying that I have noticed a general lack of interest in this mars mission.

What do you see?

I blame the lack of interest on a couple things.

1. There have been quite a few impressive space missions lately.


2. People don't grasp the difficulty of flying a rotory wing aircraft in such a thin atmosphere.
I blame the lack of interest on a couple things.

1. There have been quite a few impressive space missions lately.


2. People don't grasp the difficulty of flying a rotory wing aircraft in such a thin atmosphere.

That isn't even that.

3. People don't grasp the difficulty of designing an AI algorithm that has the ability to fly the helicopter in a very different atmosphere with a different gravity without live assistance on it's own.
I blame the lack of interest on a couple things.

1. There have been quite a few impressive space missions lately.


2. People don't grasp the difficulty of flying a rotory wing aircraft in such a thin atmosphere.

Here is one big one: The Revolution is working hard to burn America happy stories about America are allowed....their story is that America is irredeemably bad.
Dude would you fly a drone at a distance using Earth satellites? Would you play a multiplayer game using Earth satellites?

The latency (lag) is around 550ms.