Mars helicopter Ingenuity unlocks its rotor blades


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
Mars helicopter Ingenuity unlocks its rotor blades to prepare for 1st flight on Red Planet

Don't be so afraid to spread your wings, Mars baby bird. You are ready to fly.

Ginny is getting ready to go for a spin!

The Mars helicopter Ingenuity has unlocked its two rotor blades as preparations continue for the vehicle's first flight, due to occur no earlier than Sunday (April 11).

"The blades of glory, aka rotor blades of the #MarsHelicopter, have been unlocked and are ready for testing," NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California wrote in a tweet posted early today (April 8). "Next, we'll do a slow-speed spin-up of the blades for the first time on the Martian surface."

Glorious. Most excellent. Bogus!

Riff raff guitars playing in the background.


Have a most excellent adventure, Ingenuity.


What is your favorite rock n roll music for this? I know I am deaf and being ironic but I'd pick Led Zeppelin. Dunno if they have guitar solo.
Interest in this Mars mission is clearly thin in the Mind Molding community. I am beginning how much of that is due to the fact that the Revolution is deeply hostile towards science.
Actually I mean Lynyrd Skynyrd. That would be ironic indeed.

I was thinking of something more classical. Maybe a soundtrack composer. Something old school like Ennio Moriconne or Domanic Frontierre or something new school like James Horner or Hans Zimmerman.

The Silent Film era would offer clues to something non-sound with cards of poetry superimposed over the images. A Haiku, perhaps.
Wake butterfly –
it’s late, we’ve miles
to go together.
– Basho


I was thinking of something more classical. Maybe a soundtrack composer. Something old school like Ennio Moriconne or Domanic Frontierre or something new school like James Horner or Hans Zimmerman.

The Silent Film era would offer clues to something non-sound with cards of poetry superimposed over the images. A Haiku, perhaps.
Wake butterfly –
it’s late, we’ve miles
to go together.
– Basho



It could be that we are bored with machines on MARS, especially since it looks like no humans are going anytime soon. We were promised that it would happen by 1980.
It was politics, science, paranoia and Cold War during the 60's.

Almost all American fully supported the nation and science. They'd seen the "miracle weapons" which allowed the US to win WWII and become the world's first superpower. They knew science would keep the US ahead of the Soviets and the PRC.

The vast majority of our present problems with politicizing science came after the Cold War ended. Nature abhors a vacuum and when an impetus, like the Cold War, is removed, it creates an unstable environment, a social vacuum, which must be filled.
We do not know if the promise made was kept or failed.

Most people spend more time making sure they get their entitlements than looking forward to the future of their great-grandchildren.
This is one reason why the Republicans are like Democrats. :)