Mars helicopter Ingenuity unlocks its rotor blades

Hello AProudLefty,

Mars helicopter Ingenuity unlocks its rotor blades to prepare for 1st flight on Red Planet

Don't be so afraid to spread your wings, Mars baby bird. You are ready to fly.

Ginny is getting ready to go for a spin!

The Mars helicopter Ingenuity has unlocked its two rotor blades as preparations continue for the vehicle's first flight, due to occur no earlier than Sunday (April 11).

"The blades of glory, aka rotor blades of the #MarsHelicopter, have been unlocked and are ready for testing," NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California wrote in a tweet posted early today (April 8). "Next, we'll do a slow-speed spin-up of the blades for the first time on the Martian surface."

Glorious. Most excellent. Bogus!

Riff raff guitars playing in the background.


Have a most excellent adventure, Ingenuity.


What is your favorite rock n roll music for this? I know I am deaf and being ironic but I'd pick Led Zeppelin. Dunno if they have guitar solo.
