Martha Washington was a hottie!


Loyal to the end
WASHINGTON - This just in: Martha Washington was hot. Or at least hotter than we thought.

Our image of the mother of our country, vague and insubstantial as it is, is drawn from portraits painted after her death showing a frumpy, dumpy, plump old lady, a fussy jumble of needlework in her lap, wearing what could pass for a shower cap with pink sponge rollers underneath.

Forensic anthropologists created a computerized age-regression portrait of what Martha Washington might have looked like in her mid-20s.

No offense to Martha but she looks rather average to me. Having said that....I've been to Yadkin county where a woman with all her teeth is considered a hotty....particularly is she can pull a plow if the mule should up and die.
LOL. Trolling for a Southern Man?
Oh but here's an actual portrait of her from 1757:
From my earlier link:

And unknown to most, while George was courting her she had another suitor, a Virginia planter with much greater wealth and stature. In a little-known letter, Charles Carter wrote to his brother about what a beauty she was and how he hoped to "arouse a flame in her breast."

"He was clearly sexually excited by her," said Patricia Brady, a historian who wrote the first revisionist biography of Martha a few years ago.
I personally want to visit OC, CA one day. Lots of hot chicks there!!!! It is a testosterone fueled, young man's paradise! My wealthy, Philippino friend promised me a roadtrip down there sometime...
LOL Davidson County. Tell me who this is:

A felon:

As years passed, charges of nepotism, financial irregularities, and mismanagement began to surface. On September 15th, 2003, Hege was charged with 15 felonies and suspended from office. The charges were five counts of embezzlement by a public officer, five counts of obtaining property by false pretenses, two counts of obstruction of justice, one count of endeavoring to intercept oral communication, one count of aiding and abetting to endeavor to intercept oral communication and one count of aiding and abetting to obtain property by false pretenses.

Despite Hege's "No Deals" slogan, he eventually accepted a plea agreement.
still a probably looked like at best. Not a definite hottie.

I understand you have to defent the righties though Damo.