Martha Washington was a hottie!



I'd be on that like white on rice. :cool:
still a probably looked like at best. Not a definite hottie.

I understand you have to defent the righties though Damo.

Your post was an attack on the "messenger", the article, it isn't defending the person who posted the article when I point out that the software used has been tested to be relatively accurate. If I'm defending anything, it is the software, but what I'm really doing is learning something about the Washingtons with occasional interruptions by knee jerk inanity, but encumbered by "idjits" I still am able to learn even while teaching them a thing or three...
And based on drawings and paintings not photographs.

Lots of room for error there.
I suppose, but if I were to design the algorithm I'd have artists paint portraits of folks in the style of the time, draft then run the program, compare it to actual photos of the same person younger, and tweak the algorithm until I got it right.