Martian Genesis?


So, what else is new? :D

Yah, he's bouncing up and down way out on the wrong limb again. Whatever.

did I just see ya bitch slap cypress?...and cypress was correct y'all are way smarter than he...ya figured me out...I mix fact with opinion and humor for entertainment purposes...cypress et al are way too serious for their own good!
Right I see...

No, a board is only as enjoyable as it members. I specifically only invite intelligent posters here. And I've invited liberals, Libertarians, and republicans here and the previous board who are articulate and intelligent. I specifically screen out nuts, trolls, and stupid people. I don't have a problem with more intelligent conservatives coming here. But, a board can go quickly downhill when a bunch of juvenile and poorly-informed posters take over a board.

uhh I visited your other board as a guest...and I have read what you and maineman post...same ole' same ole'...attacks on everyone who disagrees with ya...ya call em' idiots,trolls,morons,gays,fags,stupid f'in asses etc etc...I am impressed...NOT!
Prissy only invites people here that agree and cowdown to him. That way he can have lots of others to back up his stupid comments and insults.

Back to Mars tho. It looks real interesting that they may find traces of life there. Even if its only as fossils. The creationists will not be impressed or change their way of thinking just because simple life forms are found on another planet. The biggie will be finding intelligent life somewhere. That's where the creationists will go mad. It in no way fits in with their view of the world or the universe.

I'm all for the space program being expanded and building bases on the moon and Mars. Other planets could have minerals and things that we have never seen before, and that could be used to create even more advanced technology.
I think the "martian" meteorites have an isotopic signature, that points to an origin on mars.
And we know for certain that that isotopic signature comes from no where else ?
Amazing, we can't even decide if Pluto is a planet or not ;)