
It's like you don't speak English.

Das Kapital is nothing more than Marx whining about how people compete, which leads to some people winning and that is UNFAIR ... because Marx was constantly projecting his conscientiousness about his totally inability to compete on any level.

Marx further whines that some people have ADVANTAGES which they leverage! How can a civilized society permit this?

All this adds up to the losers actually being VICTIMS who were EXPLOITED by the winners who VICTIMIZED the EXPLOITED losers ... and it's UNFAIR!

Marx is still relevant today with those in our gig economy. They realize their socioeconomics led to neo-feudalism. Gen Y and Z have been packing classrooms to study Marx for over 10 years now. Most of these young folk were born and raised on a cul-de-sac. They want to know what they can do to climb back up into the middle class of their parents.

Marx isn't going away. We see new unions being formed because our younger generations know the old union leaders are in bed with corporatists. The irony of these kids being more informed than you and Google is fun for me to see. General strikes and new unions are what will stop the US slide to becoming a banana republic.
How poetic. For that to be the case, they have to own the market

You just don't know any holds.

Why is it wrong for parents to support/help their children? mothers breastfeeding and otherwise nurturing their infant children. Combine that with the hockey sticks


Brown-Nosing the Bluebloods

Your goal is to be accepted for country-club membership and have all those who got their membership from Daddy's Money pat you on the head and say, "We forgive you for not being born-rich."

During the Vietnam era, you would have been proud to have your son die taking a richkid's place.
You ask this as though it is true. Why do you think Israel even needs any sort of agreement with anyone to attack Iran? (hint: they don't need any help from anyone)

Go. Glow. Then Blow

The Iranian nuclear installations may be bomb-proof, but those down inside have to get air from the outside. And that air will be full of killer radiation. They'll be up Shiite's Creek.
I don't get what family has to do with it. .

Familyism Is Even More Primitive Than Tribalism

Hereditary power is the well-hidden cancer that has destroyed all civilizations. The reason Rightists won't identify Leftists as "Preppy Progressives" is that they spawn such fake rebels by being nasty fathers and creating Oedipus Complex tantrums in those whom they preordain to be political leaders. Jane Fonda's silly autobiography reveals the real obsession that drove her.
Marx is still relevant today with those in our gig economy. They realize their socioeconomics led to neo-feudalism. Gen Y and Z have been packing classrooms to study Marx for over 10 years now. Most of these young folk were born and raised on a cul-de-sac. They want to know what they can do to climb back up into the middle class of their parents.

Marx isn't going away. We see new unions being formed because our younger generations know the old union leaders are in bed with corporatists. The irony of these kids being more informed than you and Google is fun for me to see. General strikes and new unions are what will stop the US slide to becoming a banana republic.

Communism Is Capitalism, Jr.

There were no unions in the Soviet Union. Marxist snobbery had nothing but contempt for such former peasants who wound up working in factories.. Despite that lesson of history, both Rightist and Leftist spoiled sheltered snobs want to associate unionism with Socialism, a secular religion with a totalitarian hierarchy.

Communist Party membership is passed on from father to son, proving that the most radical politics we are allowed to listen to is nothing but hot air from HeirHeads.
Marxist snobbery had nothing but contempt for such former peasants who wound up working in factories.. Despite that lesson of history, both Rightist and Leftist spoiled sheltered snobs want to associate unionism with Socialism, a secular religion with a totalitarian hierarchy.

The intellectually inadequate--virtually all conservative populists--routinely confuse intellectualism with snobbery.
Communism Is Capitalism, Jr.

There were no unions in the Soviet Union. Marxist snobbery had nothing but contempt for such former peasants who wound up working in factories.. Despite that lesson of history, both Rightist and Leftist spoiled sheltered snobs want to associate unionism with Socialism, a secular religion with a totalitarian hierarchy.

Communist Party membership is passed on from father to son, proving that the most radical politics we are allowed to listen to is nothing but hot air from HeirHeads.
You just proved you know nothing about Marx, Boy. The Soviet Union had nothing to do with Marxism. It was a struggle between 3 separate feuding factions. Despite the UK and US endless coups on Lenin, he was able to recover and rebuild the country from indigence. With the exception of China, no other country grew their economy as rapidly as the Soviets. Right on time to beat the nazis in WWII where they lost 20 million people and had to start rebuilding all over again.

Learn your history.
Marx is still relevant today with those in our gig economy.
It's like you don't speak English.

Marx isn't relevant with anyone. Marx is dead.

Did you mean to say that Marxism is still a powerful cancer that continues to kill prosperity like a militarized chemical weapon? OK, I can agree with that.

Gen Y and Z have been packing classrooms to study Marx for over 10 years now.
I'm not buying this. I suspect that the reason that this smells like shit is that you pulled it out of your ass.

Most of these young folk were born and raised on a cul-de-sac.
What does this even mean?


Marx isn't going away.
Marx has already departed. Do you not realize this? Do you know what the term "hero worship" means?

We see new unions being formed
This is a very bad thing.

the old union leaders are in bed with corporatists.
You have reverted to speaking in undefined buzzwords. All I get out of this statement is that you seek to demonize a class of people you fear because of your economics illiteracy.
The intellectually inadequate--virtually all conservative populists--routinely confuse intellectualism with snobbery.
The intellectually inadequate--virtually all leftists--routinely mischaracterize the recognition of their snobbery with a rejection of intellectualism in general.
Hereditary power is the well-hidden cancer that has destroyed all civilizations.
Nope. Time is the force that does that. I thought everyone knew that. Marxism is the cancer that destroys economies.

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
It's like you don't speak English.

Marx isn't relevant with anyone. Marx is dead.

Did you mean to say that Marxism is still a powerful cancer that continues to kill prosperity like a militarized chemical weapon? OK, I can agree with that.

I'm not buying this. I suspect that the reason that this smells like shit is that you pulled it out of your ass.

What does this even mean?


Marx has already departed. Do you not realize this? Do you know what the term "hero worship" means?

This is a very bad thing.

You have reverted to speaking in undefined buzzwords. All I get out of this statement is that you seek to demonize a class of people you fear because of your economics illiteracy.

marxism is an insincere populism.

there is room for real populism.

state capture by corporatist fascists must be resisted from time to time.
What is this supposed to mean? My operating assumption is that you are on a crazy mission to somehow redefine "fascism" to mean "economic success."

when corporate donations, promises of employment, and insider trading tips corrupt politicians, they are effectively doing the bidding of large corporations.

that's state capture and that's fascism.
when corporate donations, promises of employment, and insider trading tips corrupt politicians, they are effectively doing the bidding of large corporations.

that's state capture and that's fascism.
Nope, that's not fascism. Allow me to modify my position based on this new information. You are trying to redefine "fascism" to mean "government corruption."