Masks don't prevent transmission of Viruses

The reason why you absolutely will not provide a quote of something you dispute from the article that this thread is about is that you do not dispute anything from the article. The reason you claim to have already provided quotes of stuff you dispute from the article is the same reason why you are evading. This reason is that you are a lefty who is stuck defending improper ppe for use with hazmat which is wrong and shameful.
You continue to divert and deny. Diversion and denial are all you've ever got. You are the most pitiful poster on JPP. Considering your 'competition', that's unbelievably pitiful. Your article is just a scam, like all of your posts.

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Dodge, deflect, divert, invert, convert, redefine, or otherwise evade.

Thank you for validating the last sentence of my last post.

"Dodge, deflect, divert, invert, convert, redefine, or otherwise evade" is what you do. Your article claimed to review the scientific literature, but ignored any such literature that didn't support its predetermined conclusion. Anti science.

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As we can see, lefties do not dispute ANYTHING from the article that the thread is about. It would appear from all the kicking and screaming that lefties are posting instead, that they REALLY wish that they could dispute something from that article.
Dodge, deflect, divert, invert, convert, redefine, or otherwise evade. As always.

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Your evasion tactics are nothing new around here. I have a list of them that I have posted hundreds of times on this site. Dodge, deflect, invert, convert, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade. You can see this list several times on almost every thread I have ever started. You have just tried the invert tactic, where you try to turn the tables on me by claiming it is me who is evading, and not you who won't post a quote like the opening post asks for. There is probably a mantra number for this fallacy, but I just call it inversion.
saltydancing isn't evading anything. Their posts are always incoherent. Yes, you are the champion of "dodge, deflect, divert, invert, convert, redefine, or otherwise evade".

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That comment is just above the article, but it is a tiny bit closer than the title. When you provide a quote, it should look like this:
While this does not appear to be the article itself, let's hear what your comment is on this. Is this something that you dispute and are ready to substantiate?

Conclusion regarding masks that do not work

No RCT study with verified outcome shows a benefit for HCW or community members in households to wearing a mask or respirator. There is no such study. There are no exceptions. Likewise, no study exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public (more on this below).
or as the opening comment states
"absent some miraculous suspension of decades of hard science on the transmission of viruses"
[QUOTE.]Conclusion regarding masks that do not work

No RCT study with verified outcome shows a benefit for HCW or community members in households to wearing a mask or respirator. There is no such study. There are no exceptions. Likewise, no study exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public (more on this below). [QUOTE.]or as the opening comment states[QUOTE.]"absent some miraculous suspension of decades of hard science on the transmission of viruses"

It looks like you were able to retrieve some text from the article and paste it here, even if you can't figure out how the quote function of our forum works. Do you dispute the information from the article that you posted here? Please summarize what your dispute with this information is.
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It looks like you were able to retrieve some text from the article and paste it here, even if you can't figure out how the quote function of our forum works. Do you dispute the information from the article that you posted here? Please summarize what your dispute with this information is.

About as much Christian Nation Christiananality as SCOTUS Rehnquist's fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conception for all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists stating the evidence doesn't exist.
About as much Christian Nation Christiananality as SCOTUS Rehnquist's fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conception for all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists stating the evidence doesn't exist.

I cannot make out any coherent summary of what you dispute about the information that you quoted from the article. Can you quit hiding behind the gibberish rhetoric long enough to post a succinct summary of what or how you dispute the quote that you posted?
"Dodge, deflect, divert, invert, convert, redefine, or otherwise evade" is what you do.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself.
Your article claimed to review the scientific literature, but ignored any such literature that didn't support its predetermined conclusion. Anti science.
Masks do not stop a virus. This not science. This is engineering. See the N95 specification. Cloth masks are even worse. You are trying to empty a pool with a tea strainer.

At least 99.97% of the population does not have covid19. They can't infect anyone with it. Why are you so gung ho on requiring them to wear masks?
If you're equating a surgery with walking around on the streets doing your routine business, can I assume you've worn a mask 24/7/365 since you were born?

Lol, I don't think I have seen surgeons going about their business in the supermarket wearing masks prior to covid politics. Certainly not for the last hundred years. Walt is trying to engineer some fallacy...
Lol, I don't think I have seen surgeons going about their business in the supermarket wearing masks prior to covid politics. Certainly not for the last hundred years. Walt is trying to engineer some fallacy...

Me, neither but that doesn't stop people like Walt from equating things that aren't alike.
I cannot make out any coherent summary of what you dispute about the information that you quoted from the article. Can you quit hiding behind the gibberish rhetoric long enough to post a succinct summary of what or how you dispute the quote that you posted?

Demonstratively a scientific improbability due to cognitive dissonance to recognize what quoted in the article as if it wasn't even in the article to be disputed repeatedly, this running anal Klues Klucks duh Klans mask game is about as worthless as finding a quark in a light year squared.
You're nothing more than a controlled slave is you wear a mask.

Since you're more accustomed being a slavemaster to control sociological interactions which could prevent catching or spreading coronavirus is psychologically as significant to the master race as it depends on this master plan for widespread pandemic infections to reduce the gene pool.
Demonstratively a scientific improbability due to cognitive dissonance to recognize what quoted in the article as if it wasn't even in the article to be disputed repeatedly, this running anal Klues Klucks duh Klans mask game is about as worthless as finding a quark in a light year squared.

Lefties evade, it's just what they do. I usually summarize lefty evasion with a standard list that I have posted hundreds of times on this site. Dodge, deflect, invert, convert, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade. Hiding behind gibberish is a much more rare form of evasion, but I may add that to my standard list in your honor. It will now read "dodge, deflect, post gibberish, invert, convert, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade.