Masks don't prevent transmission of Viruses

Salty never posts anything except gibberish.

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I'd yet to have considered this twin of Evmetro with cognitive dissonance from another mother, but then again coming out of as a closet mask wearer claiming no transmission of viruses seems apropos.
903 posts and lefties still do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. Time for some lefty to claim that disputes have already been posted "somewhere", or maybe post some gibberish.
903 posts and lefties still do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. Time for some lefty to claim that disputes have already been posted "somewhere", or maybe post some gibberish.

Still more medieval science of that "serve the Pope or die" diatribe as was bestowed on Galileo in the 21st century with Islam "death to the infidels" hindering masks efficiency with pseudoscience to escalate coronavirus transmission with cross conditioned autistic avoidance responses.
Still more medieval science of that "serve the Pope or die" diatribe as was bestowed on Galileo in the 21st century with Islam "death to the infidels" hindering masks efficiency with pseudoscience to escalate coronavirus transmission with cross conditioned autistic avoidance responses.

This is level of evasion gibberish is pretty average. In your next evasion, let's see the best gibberish that you have to offer.
This is level of evasion gibberish is pretty average. In your next evasion, let's see the best gibberish that you have to offer.

How unfortunate your burning Bush's Arab "death to the infidels" 9/11 reduction in the gene pool may not be as great as admonishing people that wear facemasks, which thru pseudoscience don't prevent transmission of viruses as compared to another "serve the Pope or die" diatribe crusade which is all that is being offered according to a plethora of ongoing autistic Tourettes replies.
For people who follow rather than think, no argument will convince them that their idol is wrong. Some people, especially conservative types, need someone to lead them. History is full of crowd stupidity. Book at bottom is worth a read for the readers who think for themselves. Also TED talks is worth your time if you want to understand topic,

'Do Masks Stop COVID-19?''

Yes – there are two ways that masks can help stop COVID-19. They are: Reducing airborne respiratory droplets'

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."

"This is a critical point in history. Time is running out to prepare for the next pandemic. We must act now with decisiveness and purpose. Someday, after the next pandemic has come and gone, a commission much like the 9/11 Commission will be charged with determining how well government, business, and public health leaders prepared the world for the catastrophe when they had clear warning. What will be the verdict?"

'Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs' by Michael T. Osterholm, Mark Olshaker

'Coronavirus is our future | Alanna Shaikh | TEDxSMU'
For people who follow rather than think, no argument will convince them that their idol is wrong. Some people, especially conservative types, need someone to lead them. History is full of crowd stupidity. Book at bottom is worth a read for the readers who think for themselves. Also TED talks is worth your time if you want to understand topic,

'Do Masks Stop COVID-19?''

Yes – there are two ways that masks can help stop COVID-19. They are: Reducing airborne respiratory droplets'

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."

"This is a critical point in history. Time is running out to prepare for the next pandemic. We must act now with decisiveness and purpose. Someday, after the next pandemic has come and gone, a commission much like the 9/11 Commission will be charged with determining how well government, business, and public health leaders prepared the world for the catastrophe when they had clear warning. What will be the verdict?"

'Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs' by Michael T. Osterholm, Mark Olshaker

'Coronavirus is our future | Alanna Shaikh | TEDxSMU'

Do you dispute ANYTHING at all from the article that this thread is about?
Masks are an important and easy way for people to prevent the Trump virus from making them sick and perhaps killing them.

** Trump did not create the virus.
** Masks do not prevent illness; it says so right on the packaging.

You really need to stop being a moron and stop falling for the globalist scam.
Good,. Outdoors is where it is more difficult to catch the Trump virus.
What virus has Trump created? There is no Trump virus...

In most beaches, a mask is not necessary.
No, in ALL beaches a mask is not necessary.

It is when you get in close contact it becomes easy to catch.
... not as easy as you'd think... believe me, I've been fervently trying to catch this disease...

A large portion of Corona cases arose out of eating in a restaurant.
I ate at a restaurant many weeks ago and didn't get the rona... There is more than one disease in the world, you know... People catch other flus, colds, etc. as well... It is part of life. Stop fear mongering.

Now that cold weather is coming, you will see a volt in the graphs of Corona.
I think by "volt" you meant 'spike'... you know, the favorite media fear mongering word when speaking about the number of covid "cases" (of which many aren't even actually cases)...

My local news media in Wisconsin has been telling me since around April or so that "cases" have been "spiking"... they say this every single day... And this is regardless of mask mandates or not... In fact, according to State numbers, "cases" have "spiked" ever since the mask mandate was put into place, so according to those numbers, mask wearing is NOT working... Yet, they keep telling people that mask wearing is working...

Colleges are already proving that.
There is nothing atypical about what is going on in colleges right now. A bunch of people are now getting together under one roof (at the places which are/were allowing it)... People tend to get sick at the beginning of the school year like this; this is nothing out of the ordinary...

We expect college-age kids to do stupid and risky things. You have no excuses.
The "Benadryl Challenge" (aka, overdosing on Benadryl) is MUCH stupider/riskier than wishing to attend classes in person, hang out with friends, go to bars/beaches/restaurants/etc...
For people who follow rather than think,
You are describing yourself...

no argument will convince them that their idol is wrong.
Your idol is "the experts"...

Some people, especially conservative types, need someone to lead them.
WRONG. I need no one to lead me. I am a free thinker. YOU are mentally enslaved to the Democrat Party.

History is full of crowd stupidity.
... and so is the present. See the COVID-19 fear mongering mask zombies...

...deleted holy links
Form your own arguments instead of following/stealing the arguments of others...
** Trump did not create the virus.
** Masks do not prevent illness; it says so right on the packaging.

You really need to stop being a moron and stop falling for the globalist scam.

If you're refusing to wear a mask due to concerns your brain won't get enough oxygen, I think that ship has already sailed.
If you're refusing to wear a mask due to concerns your brain won't get enough oxygen, I think that ship has already sailed.
While wearing a mask does slightly reduce oxygen levels, that's not why I refuse to wear them.

I refuse to wear masks, mostly because:
[1] It is a violation of my right to make my own healthcare decisions. (ie, it is unconstitutional)
[2] Masks do not stop/prevent the spread of viruses. (ie, wearing a mask for this purpose is pointless)
[3] I do not have covid, thus I cannot spread covid to anyone. (ie, wearing a mask for this purpose is pointless).

There's no way for me to leave my Christian faith out of this explanation of what we are doing to ourselves, so take it for what you feel it's worth.

I do not wish to condone tyranny of any form. I instead promote the exercise of self-governance under God (the ability to govern oneself from within and "be free" rather than being externally governed over and being "a slave"). If one is unwilling/unable to self-govern, then one is asking to be a slave, asking to be ruled over.

The United States of America was truly the greatest nation on Earth, as it was originally founded. It has unfortunately slowly slipped away since then, as its citizenry have collectively decided to shift away from what made it great to begin with. What am I talking about?

As a Christian, I am a believer in self-governance under God. In other words, one has the free will to submit to the law of God. The classic "Garden of Eden" story is a great illustration of how this worked. God gave the law to Adam (to oversee his creation, but to not eat from a particular tree). Adam at this point was to practice self-governance, to willingly submit to God and his law. God did not place any guards or anything around the tree to stop Adam from eating of it. He simply trusted Adam to not eat of it. He allowed Adam the ability to govern over himself, to make his own choice as to whether he would submit to God or not. After Adam chose to not submit to God, God then placed guards around the Garden, banishing Adam from it. Adam was now being externally governed over since he was unable to govern himself inwardly. This sets the model for how we have widely seen governance implemented here on Earth. When people are incapable of inwardly governing themselves, they must be externally governed over. When people can no longer be trusted, they must be restrained.

God's nation of Israel, as recorded in The Bible when it was first founded, was founded on the same basis of self-governance under God. They had no King, no Parliament, no President, etc. to rule over them, but rather, they were only ruled by God's law. Eventually, they failed to self-govern, so God eventually allowed other nations to rule over them, and when oppressed, Israel would turn back to God and God would deliver them from their oppressors via "judges" ('military generals' of sort). After that pattern repeated, Israel asked God to "be like other nations" and to be ruled over by a King. In other words, they were rejecting God as their King and asking to be made slaves under earthly kings. God, after first warning them as to what harm they would be doing to themselves, and Israel ignoring those warnings, granted them their wish. Israel wished to be as gods, determining for themselves what was good and what was evil rather than living under God. They thought that this was giving them freedom/joy, but it was really giving them slavery/oppression. This is precisely what you and I do each and every time we refuse to be governed by the Word of God in our daily lives.

Now, back to the USA, the USA was founded under these same Judeo-Christian self-governance principles that I have explained. The USA was, as we say in our Pledge of Allegiance, "one nation, under God". The citizens of the USA were free people, as the Constitution allowed people the freedom to govern over themselves so long as they kept willingly submitting to it (and in extension to God). However, like the nation of Israel, the USA has also been turning away from these self-governance principles (and turning away from God). Like Israel, the USA will be given over to its enemies and the citizenry of it will feel oppression and beg to be spared from it, shadowing the pattern written about the nation of Israel in the book of Judges.

There really is nothing new under the sun... We are a nation that is no longer willingly submitting to our Constitution (nor to God), and we are now going to be turned over to oppression/slavery as a result of it. The sort of medical tyranny that we are currently seeing with regard to mask wearing and vaccines is only a small portion of what has already occurred and what is still to come. As we are currently seeing, people as of right now think that these are wonderful ideas, as the nation of Israel thought in the Book of Judges, that they'd rather "have a King" (and be externally ruled over, be oppressed slaves) than to allow God to be their King (and be inwardly ruled, be free people).

There is nothing new under the sun.
Worth watching the 12 minute video; of course, demented dumbasses on the left will avoid the facts because....they are triggered demented dumbasses.

Reality Check | Why Face Masks Don’t Work, According To Science

920 posts so far, and lefties do not dispute ANYTHING from the article that this thread is about. Lefties agree with every last word of the article that this thread is about.
920 posts so far, and lefties do not dispute ANYTHING from the article that this thread is about. Lefties agree with every last word of the article that this thread is about.

Lefties & others certainly agree & don't dispute this pathetic & ongoing avoidance where no rebuttals are accepted as if we're all Galileo in the medieval times of "serve the Pope or die" pseudoscience.