Masks don't prevent transmission of Viruses

Masks don't stop water.
Correct. They don't stop viruses either.

Water doesn't act the same way that particles in the air do.
Didn't say that it did. I was just creating a visual for you.

The viruses that are stopped in a mask don't later pass through the holes.

They are captured in the mask and don't make it through. That is the whole point of stopping particles.
Masks don't stop viruses, dude... Their pores are too large.
Nothing condescending or arrogant about it. I want you to tie a bag around your head and suffocate to death.

Certainly the medical diploma you possess has been bought & paid for by the selling of substandard masks in sociopsychopathilogical human farming.
And the OP's article contradicts your article... Your point?

The point is my article has good references. The OP's article doesn't. The article is embellished with loaded words and scientific sounding words. Look at the first link in his article. A medical journal about common cold? LOL.
Maybe next time you need surgery make sure the surgical staff doesn't wear masks & hope they're not wearing those plastic garbage bag suits duct taped shut so there's no link to any virus.

That's not a link. Are you stupid thinking it is?