Mason just informed me

He's trying to get Mason in trouble by claiming that he told Buttyurt personal information. He did not.

It's more fun to talk about cock and why we love it. lol

Uh, will we be hearing more about Owl's wild Porn Stories? (can't wait to hear more about 'flappies' and 'raisin clits') :palm:
He's trying to get Mason in trouble by claiming that he told Buttyurt personal information. He did not.

It's more fun to talk about cock and why we love it. lol

Owl: "It's more fun to talk about cock and why we love it."
Jack: After your numerous Husbands, brief Affairs, discreet Boy Toy indiscretions, and the usual One Niters, I'm sure you are just filled with 'Stories of Cock'.

Will YOU be sharing your misdeeds, adventures, mistakes and 'romances' with our friends here at JPP?
History has shown that scurrilous insults and manufactured libel are par for the course on message boards.

I can vouch that Own is a nice looking lady.

I can also state unequivocally that there are undoubtedly teabaggers on this forum half her age and with man boobs, beer guts, double chins, and are in such terrible physical condition they get winded walking to the kitchen to fetch a bag of oreos.

Did you gather all that information, while cyber stalking??

I am in better physical shape than many guys half my age, I am at my pinnacle professionally, and I am at my peak mentally, emotionally, and intellectually.

In a lot of ways, the current me would totally smoke the 30 year old me!

Classic Crypiss, he has always been totally unencumbered by concepts such as humility, bragging and hubris are far more his style.