

Willin to be Chillin

I presume you are an adult male from the posts Scowlwoman has made to you.

Act like one. Stop being her bitch.

If you are indeed a grown man, act like one. Stop being a little weenie. Man up Mason!

I presume you are an adult male from the posts Scowlwoman has made to you.

Act like one. Stop being her bitch.

If you are indeed a grown man, act like one. Stop being a little weenie. Man up Mason!

He's seventy years old, by his own admission.
“As do we all”. A lie, I have not even come close to thinking that.

I know. I normally don't even read his silly dreck, but since he *has* been so devoted to me lately, following me around and lovingly placing groans on my posts along with his sock Earl, I thought he deserved a bit of my precious attention. :laugh:
I know. I normally don't even read his silly dreck, but since he *has* been so devoted to me lately, following me around and lovingly placing groans on my posts along with his sock Earl, I thought he deserved a bit of my precious attention. :laugh:
They are busy talking to themselves and groaning. It’s bliss to ignore them.