
“As do we all”. A lie, I have not even come close to thinking that.

She gets along well with a few conservatives as well. The one's that dislike Owl seem to be projecting, because I'd say they're the disliked ones. Havana, Legion, Teflon, Usfreedom, Yurt, etc.
Originally Posted by Yurt View Post
Do you not find it odd that Owl thinks people are actually following her around a public message board?

You think that about people all the time, and Owl knew about the person following with the re-posted comments.
Only an INCEL would interpret what I said as "hitting" on Owl.

See if you can get this through your skull - I have zero interest - none, nada, zilch - interacting with a weird poster who engages in libel -- and who posts the name of the town you thought I lived in from private information you got from me in a PM.
I know. I normally don't even read his silly dreck, but since he *has* been so devoted to me lately, following me around and lovingly placing groans on my posts along with his sock Earl, I thought he deserved a bit of my precious attention. :laugh:

I have never had a sock, in fact I despise people who do it's pretty infantile.
Only an INCEL would interpret what I said as "hitting" on Owl.

See if you can get this through your skull - I have zero interest - none, nada, zilch - interacting with a weird poster who engages in libel -- and who posts the name of the town you thought I lived in from private information you got from me in a PM.

Drunk again....

You claim I am ignore, yet you frequently respond to my posts.

As to this supposed PM, fuck off. And quit whining about imaginary things.
Only an INCEL would interpret what I said as "hitting" on Owl.

See if you can get this through your skull - I have zero interest - none, nada, zilch - interacting with a weird poster who engages in libel -- and who posts the name of the town you thought I lived in from private information you got from me in a PM.

Fuck you. You're a liar as well.
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I told you I had no interest in engaging with you, but you still like to read my posts and write to me like a creeper.

You know God damn well that I told you I lived in Cambria in a PM and then you later posted it on the public forum.

You are a weird and creepy dude, and no one should ever trust you with any private information.

If he revealed it, get his ass canned by the mods.
If he revealed it, get his ass canned by the mods.

Cypress revealed that himself. Were you the kid who always raised his hand to remind the teacher that she forgot to give a weekend homework assignment?

Cypress reminds me of a young friend of mine. To him, everything is, "gay this" or "gay that"; everything is "gay." I try to tell him that his constant references make it appear that he is overcompensating for his self-doubts. But he insists that it is a "generational thing." To which I say, no. Cypress seems the same as my young friend in that he mentions INCELS every day. Is Cypress overcompensating?
I told you I had no interest in engaging with you, but you still like to read my posts and write to me like a creeper.

You know God damn well that I told you I lived in Cambria in a PM and then you later posted it on the public forum.

You are a weird and creepy dude, and no one should ever trust you with any private information.

If you have no interest, then stop responding to my posts.

You told me you live in a specific town in a PM.... :rofl2:

You're insane....