
Will you vote for any of the to tier Republican canidates for president if they are nominated?
I don't know, the election is far away.

Cypress has a theory that you can be reliably counted on to vote Republican no matter how corrupt or incompetent the candidate, so not everyone is on the edge of their seat about this. But, I'm not saying it's true.
Cypress has a theory that you can be reliably counted on to vote Republican no matter how corrupt or incompetent the candidate, so not everyone is on the edge of their seat about this. But, I'm not saying it's true.
I voted Badnarick in the last election, and I voted against Coors. I think Cypress assumes too much and doesn't pay attention. If people have read my posts they would know that I am not some sort of set voter.
Wouldn't it be funny if I started a fight between Cypress and Damo, by proxy? Well cypress said...well I think cypress should shut up. Well cypress thinks that you...
Seriously, I'm the funniest person on this board. I don't think that can be disputed. I know that I laugh harder at my posts than anyone else's.