math just doesnt work for hillary

must be killing dean and the dem leaders how hillary is fucking up this obamamania.. seems like potential of mccain winning in NOV gets better and better with every negative ad.

I don't know where you guys are getting the narrative that this clinton-obama contest is somehow one of the nastiest and most negative ever.

Has there been some negative ads, and some heated and unfair rhetoric? Yep.

But, I don't see this as a uniquely brutal and negative campaign. Its a contested primary, one of the first extended contested primaries the Dems have had in a while. I think the Bradley-Gore, the Gary Hart-Mondale, and the Jimmy Carter-Ted Kennedy primaries were just as brutal and negative, if not more so.

And I don't know if you watch state level politics, but I've seen Democratic primaries for the governor's race that were so nasty, they make Clinton and Obama look civil by comparision.

What Bush did to McCain in 2000 was so far beyond anything that clinton and obama are doing to each other, its laughable to even compare.

I honestly think its the armchair media pundits, and some of the blogs that are going overboard in characterizing the negativity of this race.
must be killing dean and the dem leaders how hillary is fucking up this obamamania.. seems like potential of mccain winning in NOV gets better and better with every negative ad.

Chap if she can “Fuck it up” for him…so can the Republicans. Let’s find out now. Unless you honestly believe McCain isn't going to run negative ads, in which case you are dreaming.

I can't wait to see what all of the HIllar-haters have to say after Obama is the nominee and the Republican machine gets started on him.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Let's see if the squealing is as loud...or even noticable.
Chap if she can “Fuck it up” for him…so can the Republicans. Let’s find out now. Unless you honestly believe McCain isn't going to run negative ads, in which case you are dreaming.

I can't wait to see what all of the HIllar-haters have to say after Obama is the nominee and the Republican machine gets started on him.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Let's see if the squealing is as loud...or even noticable.

your right. Having Hillary and obama going till aug 25th spending tens of millions on bashing each other instead of mccain isn't going to hurt the dems chances in November.
You dems need to put a muzzle on that whiny, bitchy, cunty white princess, and her deranged rapist, mentally unstable husband.
your right. Having Hillary and obama going till aug 25th spending tens of millions on bashing each other instead of mccain isn't going to hurt the dems chances in November.

Chap, I understand your point but I do agree with Darla in the sense that Republicans will go after the Dem winner far harder than they have gone at each other (I expect the same to work the other way as well).

For the most part Hillary and Obama aren't too far apart on issues. When either one faces McCain there will be a difference and the Republicans are really are going to go after Obama's inexperience (whether it works or not remains to be seen).

I'm sure issues like not wearing the America lapel and other issues will make its way into the campaign. Maybe not from McCain himself but from those lovely 527's he helped create.
ok.. that logic is beyond me.. but whatever the dems strategy is.. they will go for it. Personally i think 10m here 10m there on attack ads like they are playing every commercial in tx right now not to mention mccain saving all his money up and sitting back watching for the ENTIRE WINTER-SPRING-and thru AUG of SUMMER. is not helpful for the dems.
ok.. that logic is beyond me.. but whatever the dems strategy is.. they will go for it. Personally i think 10m here 10m there on attack ads like they are playing every commercial in tx right now not to mention mccain saving all his money up and sitting back watching for the ENTIRE WINTER-SPRING-and thru AUG of SUMMER. is not helpful for the dems.

no question that you are correct on that point.

ok.. that logic is beyond me.. but whatever the dems strategy is.. they will go for it. Personally i think 10m here 10m there on attack ads like they are playing every commercial in tx right now not to mention mccain saving all his money up and sitting back watching for the ENTIRE WINTER-SPRING-and thru AUG of SUMMER. is not helpful for the dems.

I do believe he learned this strategy while a guest at the wonderful...'Hanoi Hilton'...lotsa time on his hands and very little ammenities...makes one very patient!;)
ok.. that logic is beyond me.. but whatever the dems strategy is.. they will go for it. Personally i think 10m here 10m there on attack ads like they are playing every commercial in tx right now not to mention mccain saving all his money up and sitting back watching for the ENTIRE WINTER-SPRING-and thru AUG of SUMMER. is not helpful for the dems.

I don't think there's going to be a contested primary up until august. At some point before then, somebody is going to cry uncle.

Obama is a fresh face, who hasn't been vetted. He needs to be tested in every way possible. The fact that he had a rapid response ad up in texas within 24 hours is a good sign. Because the republicans are going to throw everything but the kitchen sink at him.

if hillary fucks obama over that bad.. many obama supporters will vote mccain so she doesn't win.. and as consolation he can run against mccain in 4years.

i dont see how Hillary wins in Nov. stupid democrats if they allow her to fuck this up.

:shock: Hillary is doing Barack?...Bill will have to meet secretly with Michelle to even the score! Sure hope she doesn't have a blue dress....dejavue...
I have not seen a politician in a long time that is good at math...Maybe Ron Paul but he is a nut on other things.