must be killing dean and the dem leaders how hillary is fucking up this obamamania.. seems like potential of mccain winning in NOV gets better and better with every negative ad.
I don't know where you guys are getting the narrative that this clinton-obama contest is somehow one of the nastiest and most negative ever.
Has there been some negative ads, and some heated and unfair rhetoric? Yep.
But, I don't see this as a uniquely brutal and negative campaign. Its a contested primary, one of the first extended contested primaries the Dems have had in a while. I think the Bradley-Gore, the Gary Hart-Mondale, and the Jimmy Carter-Ted Kennedy primaries were just as brutal and negative, if not more so.
And I don't know if you watch state level politics, but I've seen Democratic primaries for the governor's race that were so nasty, they make Clinton and Obama look civil by comparision.
What Bush did to McCain in 2000 was so far beyond anything that clinton and obama are doing to each other, its laughable to even compare.
I honestly think its the armchair media pundits, and some of the blogs that are going overboard in characterizing the negativity of this race.