Math problem

Liar, you slid beads from one side of the abacus to the other.


Naah, just moved rocks around with ones and zeroes chiseled into them.
I still remember my first NAND rock.
Believe it or not I was taught how to use an Abacus in school.

Actually the first computers I worked on were electromechanical long distance ticketing and call routing systems. Relays and rotary switches. I sort of miss that racket.
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Naah, just moved rocks around with ones and zeroes chiseled into them.

Actually the first computers I worked on were electromechanical long distance ticketing and call routing systems. Relays and rotary switches. I sort of miss that racket.
He fondly remembers feeding cards into it, having to reset and start all over because one of them was out of order...
He fondly remembers feeding cards into it, having to reset and start all over because one of them was out of order...

Cards? Nope wire strapping. I think cards were generated at the data processing center from the perforated tapes the Kleinschmidt perforators made of the call records.

Then when the neon bulb type ANI systems were introduced that was the berries.
Naah, just moved rocks around with ones and zeroes chiseled into them.
I still remember my first NAND rock.
Believe it or not I was taught how to use an Abacus in school.

Actually the first computers I worked on were electromechanical long distance ticketing and call routing systems. Relays and rotary switches. I sort of miss that racket.

LOL. I was taught how to use and abacus too USC. In the age of TI-89's. They just can't get over the machine.
Assembly language is for limited resources.
Java, C+++++, etc are for high memory and horse power computers.

I have noticed that the inefficiency of code is inversly proportional to speed increases in computer hardware.

The first computer I programmed on was a commercial mini and had a whopping 16K of mag core ram.
Punched the prog into a paper tape to load it in. Or direct punched binary into it.

LOL. With how fast computers are these days, it's pointless to write in assembly. Most games are written in C++, and light games (like the pinball one) can be written in java (which is like the most inefficient language man has ever created) without a hitch.
LOL. With how fast computers are these days, it's pointless to write in assembly. Most games are written in C++, and light games (like the pinball one) can be written in java (which is like the most inefficient language man has ever created) without a hitch.

Not totally true. Assy lang subroutines are still needed for precision motor controls and such things as that. I have recently been assy lang programming in matchbook sized 8 bit micro controllers.
Slow hardware and not much memory.
Not totally true. Assy lang subroutines are still needed for precision motor controls and such things as that. I have recently been assy lang programming in matchbook sized 8 bit micro controllers.
Slow hardware and not much memory.

that sounds interesting. You should make a thread and share some code with us.
snap some pics. I would love to see it. I have ZERO programming experience outside of web page stuff, so I don't even know what assembly looks like. LOL

OK I need to test for the green line distance AND the angle (of the ball center to the fulcrum) is <= top blue angle AND the angle >= bottom blue angle

My question is, using math.atan or math.atan2?

here's a link.
Should I calculate rise and run then use Math.atan2(rise, run)?

or use math.atan(rise/run)

I'm just not sure.
that sounds interesting. You should make a thread and share some code with us.
snap some pics. I would love to see it. I have ZERO programming experience outside of web page stuff, so I don't even know what assembly looks like. LOL

It is about like simple more detailed basic with labels, jump, math, etc operations
You have to make your own higher level type of operations out of a set of simpler ones. Like to send data to an output device, you need to make a routine to do that, or go check on the irq flag to see if the devie has any data for you to grab. Shift bits left or right to check on specific bits.
And you deal with specific memory locations not dimmed arrays and such.
Very close to straight machine language programming which I have also done.

Very good for little speedy stuff or to make a subroutine out of for speed to call from QB or some higher level language.

I am applying it to a 4 wheel drive wheel chair I am making. Have a few of the little micro procs in there to read encoders from the wheel motors and control the speed. Interesting when turning. The wheels are independent motors and the inside and outside radius motors turn at different speeds when turning and such. Had to degug it a bit last week when I wrecked during a high speed test turn in my workshop last week..

It will be cool, a 4wd high speed lazyboy wheelchair :)
48V DC drive. About a 10 mile range.
After I get it all worked out my company might start making them.
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It is about like simple more detailed basic with labels, jump, math, etc operations
You have to make your own higher level type of operations out of a set of simpler ones. Like to send data to an output device, you need to make a routine to do that, or go check on the irq flag to see if the devie has any data for you to grab. Shift bits left or right to check on specific bits.
And you deal with specific memory locations not dimmed arrays and such.
Very close to straight machine language programming which I have also done.

Very good for little speedy stuff or to make a subroutine out of for speed to call from QB or some higher level language.

I am applying it to a 4 wheel drive wheel chair I am making. Have a few of the little micro procs in there to read encoders from the wheel motors and control the speed. Interesting when turning. The wheels are independent motors and the inside and outside radius motors turn at different speeds when turning and such. Had to degug it a bit last week when I wrecked during a high speed test turn in my workshop last week..

It will be cool, a 4wd high speed lazyboy wheelchair :)
48V DC drive. About a 10 mile range.
After I get it all worked out my company might start making them.

Very, very cool, uscit! It sounds like a lot of fun, too, (the development). I think that somewhere in me lurks a closet engineer. You have the expertise to make these things come to life.
Very, very cool, uscit! It sounds like a lot of fun, too, (the development). I think that somewhere in me lurks a closet engineer. You have the expertise to make these things come to life.

I have a good background in electronics, mechanics, metalworking and computers to make it work.

Yeah I always liked to build and fix things.
Hey Trog
I found this script in my endless directory of saved pages

I believe it has all the answers to my problem.
I just have to pick the parts I need.
Now I just have to adapt it for the ball.
var dx;
var dy;

dx = ballx - pivot.x;
dy = ball.y-pivot.y
dy = -dy; // to convert from screen-space to proper mathematical space.
if (dx == 0){theta = 90.0;}
theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx);
theta = theta * 360 * 0.5 / 3.14159265359;
var rightflipperCANhit = theta >=-10 && theta<=60
if (rightflipperCANhit)&&(flippertigger==true){

var flippercontactangle=theta
var vectornormal = theta - 90 //theta + 90 for left flipper
var incomingAngle = Math.atan2(ball.y-lastball.y,ball.x-lastball.x)
var reboundangle = vectornormal-incomingAngle
//to do: pass new vectors to ball

does this look correct to you trog?
Thanks for looking.