Matt Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl,

CNN: " House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said on Fox News he planned to speak to Gaetz Wednesday afternoon, saying if the allegations were proven true, Gaetz should be removed from the committee."

Oh man, wow. Why don't you throw the book at him, Kevin?

If he's guilty of sex with a minor then it's OK to be in Congress, you just can't be on the Judiciary Committee.

The age of consent is only 16 here in Massachusetts.
16 for fucking adults, 18 for voting, and now back up to 21 for having a glass of fucking wine.
In all likelihood, we've only got the fucking part right and should switch the drinking and voting ages.

Good luck, though, trying to find a Massachusetts girl who'd sleep with Matt Gaetz.

We require them to go to school here, learn to read, and all that other stuff
that teaches young ladies what a piece-of-shit-trumpanzee looks like and why you don't need his STDs.
Didn't Pedo Trump have a similar saying?

Yes! He said, I just grab them by the........

There's also the "favors" thing; Trump goes to Pedo Island with Jeffrey for a weekend and, somewhere down the line, Trump does a favor for Jeffrey.

trump delivers two underage girls to Epstein's NYC mansion, including Nadia Marcinko who comes from Slovakia, and needs trump's fake modeling agency to be trafficked into the USA. In return, Epstein provides slightly older girls to trump. They have a common cause. They even referred to each other as "wingmen."

It was all before Gaetz's time, but if he were a bit older he would have probably been involved too.
trump delivers two underage girls to Epstein's NYC mansion, including Nadia Marcinko who comes from Slovakia, and needs trump's fake modeling agency to be trafficked into the USA. In return, Epstein provides slightly older girls to trump. They have a common cause. They even referred to each other as "wingmen."

It was all before Gaetz's time, but if he were a bit older he would have probably been involved too.

All done without money changing hands.

Gaetz is looking dirtier and dirtier:
Gaetz allegedly showed off to other lawmakers photos and videos of nude women he said he had slept with, the sources told CNN, including while on the House floor. The sources, including two people directly shown the material, said Gaetz displayed the images of women on his phone and talked about having sex with them. One of the videos showed a naked woman with a hula hoop, according to one source.
"It was a point of pride," one of the sources said of Gaetz.
Feds' investigation of Matt Gaetz includes whether campaign funds were used to pay for travel and expenses
Federal investigators looking into Rep. Matt Gaetz's relationships with young women have examined whether any federal campaign money was involved in paying for travel and expenses for the women, a person briefed on the matter said.

Investigators are examining whether the Florida Republican engaged in a relationship with a woman that began when she was 17 years old and whether his involvement with other young women broke federal sex trafficking and prostitution laws, according to that source and another person briefed on the matter.
Investigators are also pursuing allegations from witnesses and other evidence that Gaetz may have used cash and drugs in his dealings with young women, the sources said.
All done without money changing hands.

Gaetz is looking dirtier and dirtier:

The crimes of Gaetz, trump, and Epstein are crimes of people that do not see the value in other human beings. What is even slightly more disturbing is that Gaetz does not seem to even care enough to hide it.

There are child molesters in any group, but this male dominance thing of the Alt Right seems to really foster it.
The crimes of Gaetz, trump, and Epstein are crimes of people that do not see the value in other human beings. What is even slightly more disturbing is that Gaetz does not seem to even care enough to hide it.

There are child molesters in any group, but this male dominance thing of the Alt Right seems to really foster it.

The acceptance of pedophilia within the Party of Trump is disturbing.

Trump fans will defend him to the end, but they are defending a pedophile.
The acceptance of pedophilia within the Party of Trump is disturbing.

Trump fans will defend him to the end, but they are defending a pedophile.

When trump "dates" a 14 year old girl who has been trafficked to the USA, we see trump hurting a human being that should be protected. They see trump using an object of no importance.
When trump "dates" a 14 year old girl who has been trafficked to the USA, we see trump hurting a human being that should be protected. They see trump using an object of no importance.

The Republican Pedo Ring would certainly see underaged victims as meat.
Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida and a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel with him, according to three people briefed on the matter.

[FONT=&]Investigators are examining whether Mr. Gaetz violated federal sex trafficking laws, the people said. A variety of federal statutes make it illegal to induce someone under 18 to travel over state lines to engage in sex in exchange for money or something of value. The Justice Department regularly prosecutes such cases, and offenders often receive severe sentences.


The fiendish looking one Gaetz as a sicko protégé of Dracula at probably being a sexual deviant of a typical repuke type atrocity should be investigated for possible sexual encounters with old ladies and possibly animals too. To me Gaetz is a typical repuke who belongs in a cage to no longer be a stench of a influence on humanity.
Reality check as to what's REALLY important:

Everything You Need to Know About Georgia’s New Voting Law

And note, dear readers, that Dump and his flock of flunkies didn't have jack-doodle to say about the following regarding Georgia:

“This Is Voter Suppression”: 198,000 Georgia Residents Were Illegally Purged from Voter Rolls

The masks are coming off, folks.