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I.D.s should not be needed.LET'S SEE PROOF.

I.D.s should not be needed.LET'S SEE PROOF.
I thought requiring I.D.s were racist.Goetz took her across state lines. That is against the law. He gave her money. He has not cobbled a believable story together yet. but it looks ugly. Didn't he ask her for ID?
Has this been PROVEN? Or just some wild claim? If he did it he should burn but I Will wait until all the facts are in instead of just PRETENDING the man is guilty before we know shit about it...
Not in FL, it’s 18.
You seem to rely a lot on telling people what they're thinking.
Also, you just wrote that this is going to turn out to be BS, doesn't sound like Y O U have much sympathy for the girl.
You're relying on salacious gossip from RW rags. Why hasn't HB been arrested and charged for his actions if they're proven by pictures? Let me guess... the "deep state" is protecting him.
Former contestants at the Miss Teen USA pageants spoke out about trump's voyeurism. And not every girl who was molested sues her attacker.
Gatez appears to be a typical Trumpper, remember when Trump bragged about busting into the dressing room of the Ms. Teen USA pageant.
The age of sexual consent is 16-17 in 39 states.
You do know anyone can write BS on Wikipedia. You are pathetic.![]()
But a Clinton flying to Epstein's Lolita Island (confirmed) or Hunter Biden's laptop filled with underaged girls (again confirmed) do not rank alongside unsubstantiated rumors.
What does this have to do with Matt Gaetz??? Also where's the evidence about Clinton????? This is what is known as deflect, distort, and distract.
Matt really screwed the pooch this time, probably an underaged one at that
federal pen time for yet another GOP icon
What it is is a demonstration of libtard hypocrisy. If they had any intellectual integrity they would be able to fire off a convincing explanation of their double standards. As it is, all it is fake partisan driven outrage.
even weirder that you mistakenly think that's true.....weird how right wingers ALWAYS side with the sexual predators
Your claims have vacillated between having a hot Hispanic wife, to having a hot Russian woman. So do not waste my time with your trophy wife fantasies. I am sure we have better things to do than indulge your fantasies.