Matt Gaetz Loyalty Test


Staff member
The details have been leaked.

Rules to pass test:

You will be given a set of words


At a later time, you will be asked to repeat the words in the order they were given.

Pass: You must omit at least one word
You are dumber than Trump and therefore loyal.

Fail: You remember all the words in the order they were given
You are as smart as Trump and therefore not loyal.

No loyal person, acts, speaks, dresses or appears, smarter than Trump
I thought it was if you bring him underage girls to fuck he considers you loyal

That gets you into the Trump Elitist Club and comes with a Trump Gold card. :thup:

The details have been leaked.

Rules to pass test:

You will be given a set of words


At a later time, you will be asked to repeat the words in the order they were given.

Pass: You must omit at least one word
You are dumber than Trump and therefore loyal.

Fail: You remember all the words in the order they were given
You are as smart as Trump and therefore not loyal.

No loyal person, acts, speaks, dresses or appears, smarter than Trump

What's the biden loyalty test?

Are you black enough?
The details have been leaked.

Rules to pass test:

You will be given a set of words


At a later time, you will be asked to repeat the words in the order they were given.

Pass: You must omit at least one word
You are dumber than Trump and therefore loyal.

Fail: You remember all the words in the order they were given
You are as smart as Trump and therefore not loyal.

No loyal person, acts, speaks, dresses or appears, smarter than Trump

You wanna slurp his gherkin, stop kidding yourself. The dude has balls.
The details have been leaked.

Rules to pass test:

You will be given a set of words


At a later time, you will be asked to repeat the words in the order they were given.

Pass: You must omit at least one word
You are dumber than Trump and therefore loyal.

Fail: You remember all the words in the order they were given
You are as smart as Trump and therefore not loyal.

No loyal person, acts, speaks, dresses or appears, smarter than Trump

TDS is a severe mental condition causing those afflicted with it to look stupid, erupt like morons and lie like sociopaths.

Don’t be juvenile Matt, I’m not into your fantasy about Gaetz.

One of us has been in an online meeting countrywide with Matt Gaetz, from around uh.. like Melbourne,

And it is NOT you; Your commies you root for absolutely suck for The People of The United States.

And due to Democracy, people in America have a half- decent say as to what goes on.
So, -uh..that's probably that for a couple years or so. :rolleyes:
One of us has been in an online meeting countrywide with Matt Gaetz, from around uh.. like Melbourne,

And it is NOT you; Your commies you root for absolutely suck for The People of The United States.

And due to Democracy, people in America have a half- decent say as to what goes on.

Then tell your party to stop cheating in elections and let the people vote
A Federal judge today released a memorandum in which a Republican official said the party's program to pare the voting rolls in the name of ''ballot integrity'' ''could keep the black vote down considerably'' in a Louisiana Senate primary.

The memorandum, prepared by Kris Wolfe, a Middle Western regional director for the Republican National Committee, was sent to Lanny Griffith, the committee's regional director for the South. It was obtained by the Democratic National Committee in a $10 million lawsuit against the Republican committee over the ''ballot integrity'' program.

In 1982, after caging in predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhoods, the Republican National Committee and New Jersey Republican State Committee entered into a consent decree with their Democratic party counterparts. Under that decree and its 1987 successor, the Republican party organizations agreed to allow a federal court to review proposed “ballot security” programs, including any proposed voter caging.
The cold hard court Documentation proves it’s the republicans who cheat in elections

You have nothing but Putin ass drippings to back your fake claim

Oh fuck no, you little propganda iie-telling, beyotch!

Fuck you! You got Putin felchings dripping down the corners of your mouth, bitch!

Yeah, I'm from America and Iike greens, what the fuck are you?

I bet you don't know what swamp cabbage is, you Russian cunt!

Let's call it like it is, huh? Let's do that, you fucking Russian Shitburger.
So they were caught cheating in 1982 and the courts decided they needed to be restricted and watched for cheating voters out of their rights so they could steal elections

Then they did it again in 1986

In 1982, after caging in predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhoods, the Republican National Committee and New Jersey Republican State Committee entered into a consent decree with their Democratic party counterparts. Under that decree and its 1987 successor, the Republican party organizations agreed to allow a federal court to review proposed “ballot security” programs, including any proposed voter caging.

If it's within the rules, it's not cheating. The Republicans actively work to suppress the voter rolls especially among lower income or minority voters.

Unethical and/or immoral? Sure, but so are most forms of authoritarian rule.