Matt Gaetz Loyalty Test

If it's within the rules, it's not cheating.

Unethical and/or immoral? Sure, but so any form of authoritarian rule.

The courts punished them and put them into a consent decree

They were found quilty and punished by a court

It’s not legal to keep Americans from voting
So they were caught cheating in 1982 and the courts decided they needed to be restricted and watched for cheating voters out of their rights so they could steal elections

Then they did it again in 1986

Any actual crimes or other violations should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

I tend to agree with the Broken Window theory. It's not perfect, but there is a natural human progression to push the rules when rules are laxly enforced or unenforced.
IMO, either enforce the rules or don't have them. Let the courts resolve if any punishment is deserved for rule violators.
The consent decree has been invoked several times, by the parties to the decree and by others. In late 2008, the Democratic National Committee and Obama for America sought to enforce the consent decree, claiming that the RNC had not submitted alleged ballot security operations for review. After the election, the RNC asked the federal court to vacate or substantially modify the decree. The court denied the RNC’s motion to vacate the consent decree and ordered the decree remain in effect until December 2017. The RNC then appealed to the Third Circuit, which unanimously rejected the appeal and affirmed the District Court’s decision. A subsequent petition for rehearing en banc by the full Third Circuit, and a certiorari petition to U.S. Supreme Court, were denied.

On October 26, 2016, the DNC filed a motion asking that the court find the RNC had violated the decree. On November 5, after abbreviated discovery, the district court denied the DNC’s request, ruling that the DNC had not provided sufficient evidence of coordination between the Trump campaign and the RNC on ballot-security operations, but will allow the DNC to offer further evidence after the election.

What changed?

Roberts headed the court
So the SCOTUS lied about their cheating ?

I’m documenting it with USA court records and cases

You're documenting propaganda with your green slime. Fuck off, you dishonest bitch.

Anyone that gets fooled by you..well fuck's on you for being a dishonest shitbag..and that's your problem. God ingrained karma into this world, and The World runs according to that, like clockwork.

The bottom line is: You will NOT get away with your lies.
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The courts punished them and put them into a consent decree

They were found quilty and punished by a court

It’s not legal to keep Americans from voting
Good. Did they learn from their mistakes and find legal ways to deprive Americans of their right to vote?


It depends upon the law. One tactic is tying the number of polling places with average area income. It seems fair to have voters equally pay for convenience of polls. They do so through county taxes. Lower income = Less taxes = less polling places = less lower income voters. Is that legal? Probably. Immoral? Most certainly.
Good. Did they learn from their mistakes and find legal ways to deprive Americans of their right to vote?


It depends upon the law. One tactic is tying the number of polling places with average area income. It seems fair to have voters equally pay for convenience of polls. They do so through county taxes. Lower income = Less taxes = less polling places = less lower income voters. Is that legal? Probably. Immoral? Most certainly.,illegal harassment and voter intimidation.

The 2020 presidential election was the first presidential election since 1980 in which the Republican Party was able to deploy "ballot security operations". In 2019 Justin R. Clark, an official in Trump's re-election campaign, was recorded telling Republican lawyers that the expiration of the consent decree was a "huge, huge, huge, huge deal" for the campaign's election day operations in Wisconsin.[22] In March 2020 the RNC announced plans to mobilize 50,000 poll watchers to swing states, while Trump described plans to mobilise law enforcement as poll watchers, and the True the Vote group sought to recruit police officers and military veterans. The political scientist Kenneth Mayer of the University of Wisconsin–Madison argued in August 2020 that the lifting of the consent decree raised the prospect of a return to practices of voter intimidation, while Justin Levitt of Loyola Law School argued that the RNC was unlikely to have the capacity to mobilize such numbers.[23][24] In October 2020 the Trump campaign said it had enlisted more than 50,000 volunteer poll watchers in swing states.[25] In a September 2020 opinion column, Florio likened Trump's rhetoric to the use of voter intimidation in the 1981 campaign.[26]
I thought it was if you bring him underage girls to fuck he considers you loyal

Naw, that's not totally fucked up at all :rolleyes:

You're lucky to be female, if you were a dude, you'd be having a bad time right about now. I'd crack you right in your bullshit.

Awesome. From the link:

"The 2020 presidential election was the first presidential election since 1980 in which the Republican Party was able to deploy "ballot security operations". In 2019 Justin R. Clark, an official in Trump's re-election campaign, was recorded telling Republican lawyers that the expiration of the consent decree was a "huge, huge, huge, huge deal" for the campaign's election day operations in Wisconsin. In March 2020 the RNC announced plans to mobilize 50,000 poll watchers to swing states, while Trump described plans to mobilise law enforcement as poll watchers, and the True the Vote group sought to recruit police officers and military veterans. The political scientist Kenneth Mayer of the University of Wisconsin–Madison argued in August 2020 that the lifting of the consent decree raised the prospect of a return to practices of voter intimidation, while Justin Levitt of Loyola Law School argued that the RNC was unlikely to have the capacity to mobilize such numbers. In October 2020 the Trump campaign said it had enlisted more than 50,000 volunteer poll watchers in swing states. In a September 2020 opinion column, Florio likened Trump's rhetoric to the use of voter intimidation in the 1981 campaign."
Right through the internets?

Now you know that ain't happening, until I set my sights on owning you.

At which point nothing will stop me.

I'll gitcha. Will not say how, but I know how.

I do, it's a holdover from the old days of Soylent Green serving and things like that.

Since Aaron had a legitimate GUIDE RNGR account and HOSTGUIDE account n stuff.

Yeah, you know not much about the internets, Desh. Like when Manson owned everything Apple and beyond. :eek:

Margot, that one is 10x what you are, 10x the mofuggin' dog turd that you realistically are.

Am I saying desh is better than Margot? Yeah, yes I am and let it be known that's what I say.

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