You have no shame. You just make up statistics when you need to buttress a lie. I guess in Russia it must be OK.
You Nazis waged a nearly two-year Kristallnacht with your Brown Shirts Burning, Looting, Murdering and raping from coast to coast.
Let's compare the Kristallnacht with the Reichstag Fire.
The Reichstag Fire lasted 3 hours.
The Kristallnacht lasted 18 months.
The Reichstag Fire was an unarmed protest. ZERO firearms or explosives recovered or documented.
The Kristallnacht was an actual insurrection - men armed with "assault weapons" invaded and held US territory for 10 weeks through force of arms.
The Reichstag Fire had no fires and the damages to buildings was counted in hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The Kristallnacht burned thousands of businesses - many minority owned - to the ground. Brown Shirts burned federal court houses down with the judges and employees still inside. In all, the Kristallnacht did over a TRILLION dollars in damages.
Two people died at the Reichstag Fire - both protesters. One was summarily executed, the other was a drug overdose.
Nine people were shot and killed at CHAZ/CHOP (the actual insurrection) alone. A total of 39 police officers were murdered by the Brown Shirts of the Kristallnacht - including the horrific assassinations of police officers in Texas.
During the Reichstag Fire - no one was raped. Come on, Republicans don't rape people.
At CHAZ/CHOP alone, 19 people were raped by Brown Shirts, including a homeless MAN.
You Nazis want to talk violence? Let's do.