Matt Gaetz's spokesperson resigns as the lawmaker faces a sex-trafficking scandal

Hello reagansghost,

Yeah, good luck with that.

They will all simply claim to be 'shocked,' distance themselves from the scandal, and make up a bunch of spin including whataboutism aimed at Democrats.

Once the right wing spin machine is done with it, they'll be nominating DeSantis in 2024 and carrying on about what a great job he did as Florida's Gov.
:laugh: It's a favorite Trump trick to avoid lawsuits and criminal charges. Matt will need a lot more help than a piece of paper.
It doesn't even work for trump. He's gotten his ass kicked time and time again as people publish books about him that are less than flattering.
It doesn't even work for trump. He's gotten his ass kicked time and time again as people publish books about him that are less than flattering.

Matt is much more likely to spend several years in prison than Trump.
Especially given that his co rapist is sitting in jail with no bond. I'll bet he sings.

I'm sure he'd want a plea, but not sure if the DA will give it to him if he's the lead singer of the Republican Pedo Choir.
I read today that many in the GOP had been instructed to avoid having pictures taken with Gaetz for some time now. They didn't want the backlash when this story broke. Evidently, Gaetz used to show pictures of the children he raped to his cohorts.

And I’m sure this resigning guy were shown them
Matt is much more likely to spend several years in prison than Trump.

He's screwed for other reasons. It just so happens that those legal problems unearthed the evidence that Gaetz is a druggie and a rapist. Not unlike the trump/Epstein connection
"Today, Greenberg sits in the Orange County Jail facing 33 federal charges, including stalking, identity theft, wire fraud, bribery, theft of government property, conspiracy to bribe a public official, creating fake IDs and sex trafficking of a minor."

Hmmm.....I'm guessing Greenberg will roll over on Gaetz. 33 federal charges? WTF?? :laugh:
"Today, Greenberg sits in the Orange County Jail facing 33 federal charges, including stalking, identity theft, wire fraud, bribery, theft of government property, conspiracy to bribe a public official, creating fake IDs and sex trafficking of a minor."

Hmmm.....I'm guessing Greenberg will roll over on Gaetz. 33 federal charges? WTF?? :laugh:
Fucking guy was the tax collector! He sure managed to maximize his crimes. He brought Gaetz into the office a few times. Which means Gaetz could be liable for conspiracy charges for the Greenberg crimes.
Gaetz to another MAGA on the House floor:

Gaetz: "Got any nude pictures of your 17 year old daughter?"

MAGA: ""

Gaetz: "Wanna see some?"
Fucking guy was the tax collector! He sure managed to maximize his crimes. He brought Gaetz into the office a few times. Which means Gaetz could be liable for conspiracy charges for the Greenberg crimes.

I hope he had fun will it lasted because he's going to pay a very heavy price for that fun.

Seeing him and Matt share a cell would be nice.
So he has two defenders in DC: Jim Jordan and Marge Green. With friends like them, how can he possibly lose?? This wretched jackass has had disaster and debacle written all over that mug with its 2-foot forehead since his arrival. I cannot wait to witness his inevitable downfall. (Which he will of course turn into Republican gold with a plum spot at Fox or whatever Trump drums up.)
So he has two defenders in DC: Jim Jordan and Marge Green. With friends like them, how can he possibly lose?? This wretched jackass has had disaster and debacle written all over that mug with its 2-foot forehead since his arrival. I cannot wait to witness his inevitable downfall. (Which he will of course turn into Republican gold with a plum spot at Fox or whatever Trump drums up.)

Marge has her own fucking problems and could go to jail too. Jim got away with his crimes so unless there's something new, he'll walk.