May 4th, 1970 - Kent State

Was shooting craps in Laughlin a few yrs ago wearing a Kent Flashes shirt. The stick man said 'I thought they killed all you hippies and communists at Kent'. I looked at the pit boss and said 'out of all the games here I always though you needed brains to run a craps game, obviously I'm wrong' I picked up my chips and left. Same thing here. Ignorance knows no bounds.

Hey waterstain, go fuck yourself.

After 40 years! That ignorant sob had some nerve, he's lucky you didn't belt him.
I would have been pissed had I been at Kent, or any such campus that got shut down by rioters. All that tuition flushed down the toilet. Also, it wasn't incidents such as this that killed the student protest movement - it was the ending of the draft.

Everyone seems to be forgetting that recent studies of the tapes have suggested that there were shots fired, BEFORE the Guard fired.
Forgetting might be the wrong word; because maybe they're just ignoring it.
Everyone seems to be forgetting that recent studies of the tapes have suggested that there were shots fired, BEFORE the Guard fired.
Forgetting might be the wrong word; because maybe they're just ignoring it.

Yeah, I'm still waiting on this one to become more than just a "what-if" conspiracy, but when you act like the rioters did, you should expect something bad to happen. You are, after all, involved in a violent crime.
Yeah, I'm still waiting on this one to become more than just a "what-if" conspiracy, but when you act like the rioters did, you should expect something bad to happen. You are, after all, involved in a violent crime.

I wish people would take the time to actually have a discussion, when a tragedy like this happens; instead of either side just pointing fingers and pitching a fit.
It seems the we (the public) never learn and just keep doing the same things. Just look at the first response(s) regarding the Zimmerman/Martin situation.
It's like all the logic gets buried in all the Bull Shit.
those kids absolutely deserved to be shot. They were not protesting, they were rioting, and throwing bricks/bottles/rocks at the soldiers. There were ~70 troops vs. the 2000 unwashed masses, and they were getting more and more irate.

Don't like getting shot in the face? Better not throw bricks at soldiers.

First 30 seconds sums it up:

Yeah, I'm still waiting on this one to become more than just a "what-if" conspiracy, but when you act like the rioters did, you should expect something bad to happen. You are, after all, involved in a violent crime.

i mean, it's like some people forget that they actually have guns for a reason.
I wish people would take the time to actually have a discussion, when a tragedy like this happens; instead of either side just pointing fingers and pitching a fit.
It seems the we (the public) never learn and just keep doing the same things. Just look at the first response(s) regarding the Zimmerman/Martin situation.
It's like all the logic gets buried in all the Bull Shit.

their narrative and agenda takes precedence over everything.
Yeah, I don't think Watermark is too irritated with anything I've done so far in his name. He knows I have to live with anything that Brent posts, and he has seen some of the stuff that Billy and Grind have posted in each other's names as well. He probably laughed when I dropped the whole "your head on a pike" line a few times. The most offensive thing I've done to Watermark is making the Thomas Engine my avatar.