Maybe I'm Just Different ... buttttt

Trump is being sued by some people his planned insurrection hurt. He will lose in court because he is guilty of fomenting an attempted overthrow of the American government.
Trump is being sued by some people his planned insurrection hurt. He will lose in court because he is guilty of fomenting an attempted overthrow of the American government.

Nordberg, can I give you some advice, (purely out of the goodness of my own heart)?

Here it is...


I don't geddit ? Is it supposed to be clever or funny somehow ? If so, please explain it to me.


Is "geddit" in reference to reddit?

Anyway, the funny or clever part is that if Biden even so suggested as such, his followers would be like, "What the fuck is wrong with you???"
LOL! Sure he was, you leftist mental invalid.

Hey !! Don't call Norberg a "mental invalid"- he's just got a few SPECIAL NEEDS, that's all.

Like he NEEDS to read Edmund Burke, and he NEEDS a good kick up the ass to make him do it if he refuses. He also NEEDS to stop smokiing Pot, because it obviously affecting his judgement and he NEEDS to hire a good teacher to explain what Stalin, Mao Zedong and Pol Pot did in the 20th century (to put him off any kind of leftist political ideology).

The Democrats didn’t do anything violent when trump stole the election with Russian help

Trumpers are violent racists

Yep, they sure are.


Is "geddit" in reference to reddit?

Anyway, the funny or clever part is that if Biden even so suggested as such, his followers would be like, "What the fuck is wrong with you???"

That's not funny or clever; it just suggests that people like American liberals/leftists would lack the moral courage required take decisive ACTION to defence of their core values/beliefs if they had been attacked. Which is true of middle class US Democrats like you and Nordberg, etc; but who cares ?

"GEDDIT" ? is slang for "GET IT" ? As in: "Do you GEDDIT" ? = Do you "GET IT" ?

That's not funny or clever; it just suggests that people like American liberals/leftists would lack the moral courage required take decisive ACTION to defence of their core values/beliefs if they had been attacked. Which is true of middle class US Democrats like you and Nordberg, etc; but who cares ?

"GEDDIT" ? is slang for "GET IT" ? As in: "Do you GEDDIT" ? = Do you "GET IT" ?


Yeah I knew it might be a redneck way of saying "get it". I was just wondering if it's a new thing in reference to reddit.

And yes I don't think you get what's funny or clever about the tweet.
Yeah I knew it might be a redneck way of saying "get it". I was just wondering if it's a new thing in reference to reddit.

And yes I don't think you get what's funny or clever about the tweet.

Then again, I suppose that the Democrat Party DOES have its own paramilitary divisions in the form of BLM Inc. and Antifa. Between them they caused 25 deaths and $2 Billion in damages to property (private and public) last year by inciting riots across America. That's something a US conservative would neverdo, because the average consevative is a civilized human being that would never run violently amok through a city looting, burning, assaulting police, smashing/vandalising property, etc. The average conservative is a gentleman, a scholar and a Christian soldier, just like me. He does not destroy things for the mere sake of destruction; however when his core principles/values are attacked he will heed the call to arms in their defence !

