His neighbors lives depend on that
I was going to mention it earlier, but when you notify the authorities about me, you might want to warn them about my neighbors.
You see, we have kind of an honor system here in the South, neighbors watch each other's property. To get to me, they'll need to get by at least two of my neighbors who are more heavily armed than I am, and not afraid to shoot at strangers who have no business on my property. So when the ATF comes for my guns, or to arrest me for whatever dangerous post I made, then they need to be aware of this.
I don't think you've thought all this through clearly. We're not all a bunch of pussy sheep like you, who capitulate to authority and willingly give up our liberty. Some of us will go down fighting to the last breath, and it's going to be a bloody fight. Now, if you aren't ready for that, you should maybe rethink your actions, because once the shooting starts, people are going to be dying, and you're not going to like that. It will be far too late to sit down and have a rational discussion or come to agreement with one another, and you'll be wishing you hadn't disturbed the hornets nest.