Maybe we should raise the minimum wage. Inflation is now good


And the spinmeisters will be selling deflation to us as historically low inflation levels.

The crash is coming.
Yeah, I mean what could go wrong. It is like increasing inflation has ZERO impact on other areas of the economy. Just good things will come about.

We just need to sit back and let our "betters" handle our affairs for us. Those Harvard/Yale types are just sooooooo smart and us rubes can't be doin none of that fancy thinkin
The school board in Anchorage, Alaska, for example, is counting on inflation to keep a lid on teachers’ wages.

Retailers including Costco and Walmart are hoping for higher inflation to increase profits.
A little trip down memory lane:

Whip Inflation Now (WIN) was an attempt to spur a grassroots movement to combat inflation, by encouraging personal savings and disciplined spending habits in combination with public measures, urged by U.S. President Gerald Ford. People who supported the mandatory and voluntary measures were encouraged to wear "WIN" buttons,[1] perhaps in hope of evoking in peacetime the kind of solidarity and voluntarism symbolized by the V-campaign during World War II.

The campaign began in earnest with the establishment by the 93rd Congress, of the National Commission on Inflation, which Ford closed with an address to the American people, asking them to send him a list of ten inflation-reducing ideas.[2] Ten days later, Ford declared inflation "public enemy number one" before Congress on October 8, 1974, in a speech entitled "Whip Inflation Now", announcing a series of proposals for public and private steps intended to directly affect supply and demand, in order to bring inflation under control. "WIN" buttons immediately became objects of ridicule; skeptics wore the buttons upside down, explaining that "NIM" stood for "No Immediate Miracles," or "Nonstop Inflation Merry-go-round," or "Need Immediate Money."

In his book The Age of Turbulence, Alan Greenspan as the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors recalled thinking "This is unbelievably stupid" when Whip Inflation Now was first presented to the White House. According to historian Yanek Mieczkowski, the public campaign was never meant to be the centerpiece of the anti-inflation program.
If it depresses the wages of union teachers and increases corporate profits, will this idea be DOA with Democrats?

That is an interesting point. One has to wonder. Of course if Obama comes out and says it is a good thing folks like Jarod and Desh will dutifully get in line.
It will raise prices for stuff the poor have to buy, won't it?

Of course; and the same dimwits who clamor for minimum wage increases want corporations to be taxed at higher rates without realizing that THEY are the ones paying those taxes which are passed on by corporations.

Yes, they really are THAT stupid.
How does government have the right to determine wages?

Because they wrote the law that did so, and no one stopped them? That is what "deriving their powers from the just consent of the governed" means -- the government can do whatever the People allow them to do.

You might not like what the People allow, but that's part of living in a democratic republic -- you deal with the tyranny of the majority, or you take your Libertarian ideals to heart and find a new market to transact in -- Hong Kong seems right up your alley; it's the freest market in the world.
Because they wrote the law that did so, and no one stopped them? That is what "deriving their powers from the just consent of the governed" means -- the government can do whatever the People allow them to do.

You might not like what the People allow, but that's part of living in a democratic republic -- you deal with the tyranny of the majority, or you take your Libertarian ideals to heart and find a new market to transact in -- Hong Kong seems right up your alley; it's the freest market in the world.

I see you are from the Sheeple's Republic of Washington State; it might explain your compunction to fabricate incredibly stupid arguments.

So let me understand this; because the sheeple elect corrupt politicians who invent legislation in order to get elected by dimwits and that usurp the intent of the Federal Government defined by the Constitution, those of us who believe this is bad, wrong and unconstitutional should just suck it up and shut up because that is how things work?

Is this your argument?