Maybe we should raise the minimum wage. Inflation is now good

Its time for the Fed to ease up on the easing. That will cure deflation.

Wrong; it is time for them to END this insanity. But alas, I fear it is already too late and those seeds have been sown for another massive negative correction.
Wrong; it is time for them to END this insanity. But alas, I fear it is already too late and those seeds have been sown for another massive negative correction.

Do you really believe it should just be ended, bam over. You don't think that would have a severe negative effect on the economy? A gradual elimination of the easing seems more reasonable to me, you don't agree?
Do you really believe it should just be ended, bam over.


You don't think that would have a severe negative effect on the economy?

No; it is already negatively affecting the future.

A gradual elimination of the easing seems more reasonable to me,

They currently buy a paltry $85 billion a month. I doubt that ceasing immediately will cause the collapse of the world as we know it today.

you don't agree?

No I do not; I thought that was clear on my first post. ;)

No; it is already negatively affecting the future.

They currently buy a paltry $85 billion a month. I doubt that ceasing immediately will cause the collapse of the world as we know it today.

No I do not; I thought that was clear on my first post. ;)

Your position seem radical to me. First I think the easing is what got us out of the mess we were in 7 years ago. Second, it is harmful to the future, but at least there is a future. Third, drastic changes like you suggest are fatal to fragile recoveries. Fourth, some easing is still necessary to keep things going, but I agree its time to start reigning it in.
Tell you what, Gerud: pay your staff 48.3% more than you do now for no other reason than "fairness".

That's what you want other employers to do, right?
Your position seem radical to me.

You have a funny definition of radical then. I think Quantitative Easing is a radical and worthless political effort to prop up this regimes incredible failure to improve the economic environment in this country. It has proven to be a worthless financial tool that has done nothing but accumulate massive debt and add to inflationary pressures that currently are ignored because fuel prices are not part of the equation.

Therefore, ending it immediately would be the sane thing to do.

First I think the easing is what got us out of the mess we were in 7 years ago.

You would be wrong; a reckless Fed policy of keeping interest rates artificially low thus fueling a massive run on housing is what caused the eventual collapse of the mortgage ponzi scheme in 2007.

Third, drastic changes like you suggest are fatal to fragile recoveries.

I disagree with your adjective of ending QE as being "drastic." That is absurd.

We are having a "fragile" recovery because of stupid ideas like QE, massive deficit stimulus spending and the Marxist anti-Corporation class envy rhetoric erupting on a daily basis by this inept buffoon of a President.

Fourth, some easing is still necessary to keep things going, but I agree its time to start reigning it in.

So you say; yet there is NO evidence to support the buffoonery of QE and after six years there is still little to indicate that it has worked.