No, it's accepted everywhere else by those that have no choice about it. For those with a choice, they often go outside the socialized medical system for treatment because the socialized system sucks.
It's much like that in the US where parts of the system are socialized. An example of this is the VA hospital system. Only veterans that don't have other health insurance or means use the VA. I don't know one veteran that has an alternative using the VA by choice. It's widely viewed as the last resort, rather than a good option.
Canada has socialized medicine. Canadians that want better service come to the US or even go to Mexico for health care. For example, Algodones Mexico across from Yuma Arizona is overrun with dental offices offering low cost, high quality service:
Only a delusional fool thinks the government will provide
better health care than private industry can. And, only those that can't or won't pay for private care are demanding the government run the health care system.