McCain cheated on his first wife, repetedly

There’s no way I can project myself into the shoes of people who have been married for decades, lost a child together, and are facing that situation now. I have no idea what I would do, and wouldn’t claim to.

Speaking of cheaters, Cindy McCain apparently has been hospitalized with pain in her hands. She almost died from a hypertension-induced stroke several years ago. That’s not good news for Dems. Too bad it wasn’t Johnny. That’d do it alright.
I'm not projecting onto him. I just know how I would react. I would not have run. I stated so. I thought that it would be apparent in the "I would not have run." statement I made, but I guess I have to elaborate for the people who would take a statement about myself and make it into something else.

I did get over it, I said that I "had a hard time", not that I found it impossible to do.
I'm not projecting onto him. I just know how I would react. I would not have run. I stated so. I thought that it would be apparent in the "I would not have run." statement I made, but I guess I have to elaborate.

I might have told my husband that if he did not run because of my health, it would break my heart and make the remaining time I had meaningless.

You are very quick to put yourself into situations you know nothing about, and laud yourself over everyone. And not even 40 yet. Hmm.
I might have told my husband that if he did not run because of my health, it would break my heart and make the remaining time I had meaningless.

You are very quick to put yourself into situations you know nothing about, and laud yourself over everyone. And not even 40 yet. Hmm.
I still would not have run. I'd rather be with my wife than run for President.

Your pretense notwithstanding, his cheating at this time tells me that this isn't likely what she said. Unless he is a total automaton without a human emotion.

I wouldn't have asked, I wouldn't have spoken of it, I would simply focus on my only priority, that person I was going to spend the rest of her life with.
I still would not have run. I'd rather be with my wife than run for President.

Your pretense notwithstanding, his cheating at this time tells me that this isn't likely what she said. Unless he is a total automaton without a human emotion.

I’m not pretending anything, and her behavior at that time, tells me it is actually very likely what her sentiments were. But I have no way of knowing for certain, refuse to pretend to, and gain no pleasure at lauding myself over others and showing how great I am compared to the rest of the world. You seem to live for it though.

God help you if you should ever fall.
I notice how quick you are to defend any action that I found "hard to get over" (note: this means I did).

Simply placing myself into the position of hearing that news about my wife can be problematical, but being capable of putting yourself in another's shoes is something most humans can do and do. It is one of those things called empathy. I really felt for him at that time because of this.
I’m not pretending anything, and her behavior at that time, tells me it is actually very likely what her sentiments were. But I have no way of knowing for certain, refuse to pretend to, and gain no pleasure at lauding myself over others and showing how great I am compared to the rest of the world. You seem to live for it though.

God help you if you should ever fall.
Rubbish. You are attempting to use me as a step on your way to your 'waaay more open-minded' pedestal you are building for yourself, "lauding" yourself by attempting to drag another down. Along the way you assume that I was in some way judging him other than placing myself into the same position and judging on what I feel my reaction would be.
Rubbish. You are attempting to use me as a step on your way to your 'waaay more open-minded' pedestal you are building for yourself, "lauding" yourself by attempting to drag another down. Along the way you assume that I was in some way judging him other than placing myself into the same position and judging on what I feel my reaction would be.

No, you're in the wrong mind...yet again.

I'm just amazed at your level of pomposity. It's kind of like gawking at a car accident, really.
No, you're in the wrong mind...yet again.

I'm just amazed at your level of pomposity. It's kind of like gawking at a car accident, really.
I believe that you are projecting onto me now. Which is fine. You are again attempting to show you are 'better' because you don't judge him. I also was not judging him.


I do not believe that I would have run, because such news would devastate me.

I think you took my statement:

"I had a hard time getting past his running." in answer to your he "should not have run, poor guy." statement. Then wanted to find something evil in it and made that into a judgment.

Not only did we get past it here, we talked about his policy when speaking of his running, of strategy, etc. I got over it, people are different than I am.
"Sound marriages can be hard to recover after great time and distance have separated a husband and wife. We are different people when we reunite," McCain wrote. "But my marriage's collapse was attributable to my own selfishness and immaturity more than it was to Vietnam, and I cannot escape blame by pointing a finger at the war. The blame was entirely mine."

John McCains own words folks he cheated on his first wife.

At least he is man enough to admit it, and take responsibility for his mistake. The same cannot be said for Bill Clinton, who lied repeatedly, and never apologized to the American people for doing so. Or for Jim McGreevey, the sodomite governor of New Jersey who cheated on his wife with another man, and attempted to justify it by proclaiming himself "a gay American." McGreevey is now divorcing his wife, and has been smearing her character for his own gain. He is a piece of garbage. :mad:

My point? Because most Republicans have a sense of morals, they'll sooner or later own up to their mistakes and take responsibility, whereas most Democrats simply try to cover up the mistake or justify their immoral behavior.
My point? Because most Republicans have a sense of morals, they'll sooner or later own up to their mistakes and take responsibility, whereas most Democrats simply try to cover up the mistake or justify their immoral behavior.

Psychologists have a word for Thor's aliment, they call it 'selective stupidity' I believe.

Judge not lest ye be judged.
At least he is man enough to admit it, and take responsibility for his mistake. The same cannot be said for Bill Clinton, who lied repeatedly, and never apologized to the American people for doing so. Or for Jim McGreevey, the sodomite governor of New Jersey who cheated on his wife with another man, and attempted to justify it by proclaiming himself "a gay American." McGreevey is now divorcing his wife, and has been smearing her character for his own gain. He is a piece of garbage. :mad:

My point? Because most Republicans have a sense of morals, they'll sooner or later own up to their mistakes and take responsibility, whereas most Democrats simply try to cover up the mistake or justify their immoral behavior.

Thats a pretty wide stance there Thor.